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  1. chruckguy

    Just a neat Hermit with piggyback riders.

    It looks like an anemone hermit crab like I have. Mine has two anemones on him. And yes, he is a punk, eating snails and other hermits. I just had a firefish die in the tank he's in (heater malfunction, tank got too hot, heater replaced, lol) and he took no time gobbling him up. He's about...
  2. chruckguy

    Moving my tank..

    I also am about to move a 55gal and a 30gal. I'm gonna have to do one at a time, but I've moved the 30 before with no losses, so I expect none this time. I put fish in one bucket with water, rock in a large trashbag with water inside of a large styrofoam box. The move is only ~5 minutes down...
  3. chruckguy

    Fish ID Please

    Thanks guys. After looking through all the fish on this side, I thought it looked like a Sand Perch, but this one wasn't listed. :)
  4. chruckguy

    Fish ID Please

    I saw this fish at the pet store and thought it looked cool, but I couldn't find it in the Marine Fish book they have, and I can't seem to find it online. The girl said it looked like a goby, and since those are usually pretty cheap, sold it to me for $10. He's been getting chased by my...
  5. chruckguy

    I need an opinion...

    haha, so you guys think it's ok, especially if I put a board underneath of it to help with the weight issue? Thanks, lol.
  6. chruckguy

    I need an opinion...

    I'll be moving soon, back in with my old roomates. There is no room downstairs for an extra 55 gallon fishtank, and I'd really like to keep it along with all of the fish that I have. Do you guys think that putting a 55 gallon fishtank in an upstairs bedroom is ok? My friend suggested maybe...
  7. chruckguy

    anemone crab

    I guess it's a bit late to reply to this post, but I have an Anemone Hermit Crab. I didn't buy him from here, but from my LFS and he had 2 anemones on him already. He has a third growing on the bottom of this shell next to his mouth. He had multiple little ones around that one and one up near...
  8. chruckguy

    Anemone Hermit Crab Question!

    I have an anemone hermit crab I purchased from my LFS a while back. I've seen him grow, he's cute, he's got personality.... and he's a punk. He started to eat any snails, and even other hermit crabs, when I add them to the tank. I was trying to add some cleaners to my 55 gallon but he kept...
  9. chruckguy

    Bizarre "thing" on hermit...

    I found this same thing on my hermit crab. It looks like another shell on his shell, but it is attached somehow. It can lift itself up to stick out it's antannae and a black tongue looking thing. My hermit crab doesn't seem bothered by this, but it appears mine may have 3 hitchhikers on him...