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  1. atlantic


    anybody know anything on how large they grow and how hard these fish are to maintain? thinking of housing it with a clown trigger, emperor angel, and sohal or clown surgeon. haven't bought any fish yet. possible ideas? will be housed in 250 to 300g tank.
  2. atlantic

    clown trigger

    any suggestions for clown trigger tankmates? my previous ideas were shot down really fast. the tank would be 250g or a 300g. any angels that would co-exist?
  3. atlantic


  4. atlantic

    265 for sale

    would you be willing to throuh in the lighting as well?
  5. atlantic


    do you guys recomend a tank that has overflows built in, or hang on the back of the tank overflows? i have heard the overflows that are built into the tank make alot of noise. is their any way to reduce the noise?
  6. atlantic


    thanks for your thoughts
  7. atlantic


    i thought the clown trigger might emerge the victor. any recomendations for the replacement eel? could i still keep the fish together and leave the eel out?
  8. atlantic


    i have been advised against this but was wondering on your thoughts. clown trigger, volitan lion, emperor angel, tesselata eel and a tang or 2 in a 300g tank. i have not bought the fish yet. aqaurium has lots of rock work and places to hide. thanks
  9. atlantic

    helpful suggestions needed

    forgot to mention that i would start the fish out at about 2-4 inches in size with the eel being about 8 inches. thanks again
  10. atlantic

    helpful suggestions needed

    hello, i am new to the sight. thinking about purchasing a tank between 230g and 300g. the fish i had in mind are....clown trigger, emperor angel, volitan lion, tesselata eel and maybe a tang or two. i have been advised against the combo, but was interested in everybodies thoughts.