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  1. deerleaf

    When can I put in fish!!!!!

    i to have a 30 gal. reef tank. my tank has been up and running since mid january and went the patient route, letting the tank cycle without any fish until mid april. better to be safe than sorry, cycle enhancers are shortcuts and may work for some, but not all. cycling the tank with live rock &...
  2. deerleaf

    mushroom changing color

    over the past few weeks or so, i've noticed one of my mushroom's changing color from it's regular color of maroon/red to a light pink. it's more patchy than gradual. all other mushrooms are perfectly fine, though some very small mushrooms are this pinkish color. is this a sign of something bad...
  3. deerleaf

    mushroom movers

    is their any beneficial or safe way to entice mushrooms to move onto other rocks ? i have heard that they will do it on their own if a particular piece of rock is crowded, but can you sort of pry them off or is it just best to let them move on their own ?
  4. deerleaf

    Hello Everyone Im new to the seen! Please help with advice

    like the other's mentioned,read. then plan carefully and be very patient. you will be tempted, believe me you will be, to add fish and corals early, but must refrain from that. it will pay off big time. patient in a time frame of 8-12 weeks for your tank to sufficiently cycle. maybe more, maybe...
  5. deerleaf

    how to get rid of nuisance sally lightfoot

    any suggestions on how to trap a sally lightfoot crab that is snaring my damsels. i'd hate to tear down all my rockwork-live that is- to try and catch him. any advice appreciated.
  6. deerleaf

    yellow watchman goby menu

    anyone who has yellow watchman gobies, please respond as to what you have fed your gobies, and what are they are particularly fond of-food that is. i've tried frozen brine shrimp, but from what i can see, he doesn't take to them, unless he starts to eat after i leave the room. any advice helpfull.
  7. deerleaf

    glove anthellia polyps vs. inverts.

    the other day, i received two small rocks with glove anthellia polyps on the rocks. after a few acclimation hours and time in my tank, they began to bloom, or rather open up there pedals. once my inverts. caught wind of the buffet bonanza of algae & detritus & plant matter amongst the rock...
  8. deerleaf

    yellow watchman goby

    anyone with any experience with yellow watchman gobie's, please respond with your thoughts, past experience's with them. i think that they are one of the "cutest" fish in the marine hobby. any replies appreciated.
  9. deerleaf

    low nitrates tolerable ?

    i've read & heard that no matter what, a tank will always have a 'trate level, and the trick is to just keep the levels very low enough for the inhabitants to be healthy & tank is now well past cycled, and my 'trate readings are/or 2-5. i tested my tap water for 'trates and the...
  10. deerleaf

    six line compatability question(s)

    need some thoughts or opinions here. i have a likening for both of a six line wrasse and also a strawberry/purple pseudo.. are they in any way, shape, or form compata- ble with each other in a 30 gal ?.if not, which one would you choose and why ? and are either hardier or easier than the other ...
  11. deerleaf

    need info. on two soft corals

    the other day in a lfs, i noticed two soft corals that intrigued me very much and also ones that i never heard of before and i need some opinions, advice & care intructions before i may decide to purchase either. one is called a frogspawn-eyphillia divisa ? & the other was called green crystal...