Search results

  1. myre

    Good aemones for beginners?

    I was looking to host pair of true percula clowns, would a mushroom coral be a good idea?
  2. myre

    Good aemones for beginners?

    I was just wandering what the hardiest species of anemones are? Any suggestions for a beginner?
  3. myre

    What size powerhead?

    What size powerhead should I get for my 29 gallon tank?
  4. myre

    What size powerhead...?

    What size powerhead should I get for my 29 gallon tank? I had an 1100, but I think that it tired my fish out too much, because shortly after I put it in four of them died. I need help adn suggestions.
  5. myre

    Did my new powerhead suck up a fish?

    I just added a new powerhead to my tank, and we had to move around my live rock in order to do so...this morning I found a fish stuck to the lights weren't set to come on yet, so the moonlights were on...the other fish were down low on the sand and acting weird...what do fish act...
  6. myre

    Anemone Question?

    Will fire/bristle worms hurt an anemone?
  7. myre

    Is my arrow crab trying to kill my cleaner shrimp?

    Today when I was feeding my critters I noticed that my crab and shrimp were going at it...then the crab snipped off a piece of the shrimps feelers with his claw...what should I do? Should I be worried...I just put them both in yesterday.
  8. myre

    Will bristle worms eat anenomes?

    I have noticed quite a few bristle worms in my tank that came in on my live rock...I am hoping to get an anenome soon, will the bristle worms hurt it in any way...I purchased an arrow crab, a cleaner shrimp, hermits and snails...will any of these get rid of teh bristle worms?
  9. myre

    Can I get hermits from the beach?

    Would it be a bad idea to get hermit crabs from the tide pools and put them in my tank?
  10. myre

    Help! Are fire/bristle worms harmful?

    Would a crab eat the fire worm? Also, I think that I found my damsel fish under a rock, but I think the worm is too small to have eaten it, and the only reason I noticed the worm is because it came out to eat the fish food I put in the tank.
  11. myre

    Help! Are fire/bristle worms harmful?

    I have three questions, today I noticed that i am missing a damsel fish...I had six now I am down to five...could he be hiding in the rock..could he have died there? Also, I noticed this worm in my rock, I think it is a bristle/fire worm...will this hurt anything in my tank, should I try to get...
  12. myre


    Anybody have any good recomendations on what fish and invertebrets to put into my 28 gallon tank with 25 pounds live sand, and 12 pounds live rock, when I finish cycling of course.
  13. myre

    How long will my tank take to cycle?

    It's not that I don't have patience, it's just that I have been misled with every piece of info my friends with tanks have given me. Do you have any good recomendations for fish or invertebrets?
  14. myre

    How long will my tank take to cycle?

    Is there anything that I can do to speed up the process?
  15. myre

    How long will my tank take to cycle?

    How long should it take for my 28 gallon tank to cycle, I was told 2 weeks? I s this wrong, is htere a way to speed up the process?
  16. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    What about a dwarf angel, would my tank be adequate?
  17. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    Thanks for all your help guys...I did the water change...I will continue to test the water...thanks again for your advice.
  18. myre

    How do I do a Water Change?

    I need to do a 10% water change...can somebody help me?
  19. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    Would the fact that I got my rock from a tank that wasn't being used at a pet store change anything...I was just reading about the spikes in nitrite and nitrate levels...I have only been cycling for about 3 days now.
  20. myre

    Water change-alkalinity to high

    How do I go about doing a 10% water change?