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  1. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    How would I go about doing a 10% water change..I need instructions.
  2. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    I have a 28 gallon tank.
  3. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    when I look at the color level for amonia it looks more yellow than light that good?
  4. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    All my stats are the same today, but I think that my amonia level is between 0-0.25. My alkalinity is still high, and I really want to know if there is something that I can do to change it. My salinity level is 1.023-1.024, which is within the brackets on my hydrometer...I was told to stay...
  5. myre

    When can I add cleaning crew and fish?

    As of yesterday my stats read as: pH-8.2/8.4 Alkalinity-reads as high- what can I do to lower this? Nitrates-0 Nitrites-0 Amonia level-.25 I wanted to put in a cleaning crew before I introduced my fish, I was just wondering when I could put the cleaning crew in...I was thinking about adding a...
  6. myre

    New tank

    My tank stats read as follows pH-8.2/8.4 Alkalinity-reads as high Nitrate-0 nitrite-0 amonia level-.25 Can I put a cleaning crew in without them dying...what about fish? I am now thinking about getting a clown, flame angel, and lemonpeel angel...will this work can I put these all together...
  7. myre

    New tank

    Hi! I have just recently gotten a 28 gallon tank, and I am waiting for it to cycle. I was thinking of getting a tomato or cinnamon clown, a flame angel, and possibly a purple or yellow tang...along with assorted hermits and snails, maybe a this a good starting point?