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  1. easterling

    sick starfish??

    Thanks Katara I fed him some brine shrimp. I have posted this in the Diseased forum. I wasn't sure how to move this post or how to close it :notsure: . Thanks again for your help
  2. easterling

    sick chocolate chip starfis??

    My test kit is Marine Lab from Red Sea. Below is what the card looks like. Nitrate NO3 p.p.m high range low range 0 green 0 12.5 lavender 2.5 25 d.lanvender 5.0 The Ph was 8.2...
  3. easterling

    sick chocolate chip starfis??

    Hello Can someone please help. I've had my tank for about 6mths now it is a 55gallon. I got a chocolate chip starfish last weekend and now it has a white spot on it's underside and it looks like it's orange coloring on top is also turning white. I noticed the spot a few days ago I tried to...
  4. easterling

    sick starfish??

    Hello Can someone please help. I've had my tank for about 6mths now it is a 55gallon. I got a chocolate chip starfish last weekend and now it has a white spot on it's underside and it looks like it's orange coloring on top is also turning white. I noticed the spot a few days ago I tried to...