Search results

  1. jwc161

    Ocean Light HQI 250W Pendant

    The only reason I'm thinking 250 and not 150 w is because the 250 is only $15 more. I'm thinking if I want to upgrade this tank in the future the 250 would be more beneficial. Thoughts? How much of a difference in heat are we talking?
  2. jwc161

    Ocean Light HQI 250W Pendant

    Does anyone have any insight into this setup? Seems like a pretty good deal for $240. I'll be putting it over a 20 gallon long coral only setup. Any information or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  3. jwc161

    VHO Help

    Can anyone recommend a good VHO setup for a 20 gallon long? Also, since this site is not selling lights, where is a good place to get one? I've been looking at, is there a better place?
  4. jwc161

    VHO Suggestion

    Can anyone recommend a good VHO setup for a 20 gallon long? Also, since this site is not selling lights, where is a good place to get one? I've been looking at, is there a better place?
  5. jwc161

    MH on 20 gallon long heat question

    What would you say would be a good VHO setup? I think T5's only come in the 48" variety. Also, since this site is not selling lights can you suggest a fair priced site for this?
  6. jwc161

    MH on 20 gallon long heat question

    Would MH on a 20 gallon long be overkill? Is it possible to not have a chiller on this type of setup and if so what would you recommend? I'm planning on keeping most corals, a few more forgiving SPS but no clams. Thanks so much!
  7. jwc161

    20 Gallon Long Coral Only Lighting Q Please Help!

    Let me start by saying I currently have a 72 gallon bowfront with Nova T5 4X54 with a few fish (yellow, kole, hippo tang, 2 clownfish, redlip blenny, and yellowtail damsel) a few shrimp (3 peppermint, 1 cleaner), 2 emerald crabs, a brittle starfish and a serpent star, 2 featherdusters, a bunch...
  8. jwc161

    20 Gallon Long Coral Only Lighting Q Experts Please Help!

    Let me start by saying I currently have a 72 gallon bowfront with Nova T5 4X54 with a few fish (yellow, kole, hippo tang, 2 clownfish, redlip blenny, and yellowtail damsel) a few shrimp (3 peppermint, 1 cleaner), 2 emerald crabs, a brittle starfish and a serpent star, 2 featherdusters, a bunch...
  9. jwc161

    R/O Unit

    Let me know if you still need help with the instructions. I just ordered one of these. Maybe you could help me as well? I have run at least 20 gallons of water through this and my tds readings have only gone from 380(tap) to 260(after ro and di). Am I missing something here? Thanks.