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  1. saltwaternoob


    Originally Posted by 1journeyman How are you testing for salinity? Sounds like 2 seperate issues to me, or at least could be. How much flow, gph do you have in tank? We use a hydrometer for salinity and we have a 500 gph pump with a 1400 powerhead
  2. saltwaternoob


    Sorry I should have specified. The real ocean water is a bottled brand from *****. It is prefiltered with 0 phospates. I feed my corals every other day and my fish and bta every 2 days. It was more then this but I cut down alot when the bloom started. we use a wet dry and a venturi skimmer in sump.
  3. saltwaternoob


    real ocean water
  4. saltwaternoob


    nitrate 10, nitrite 0, ammonia 0, phosphate .1, kh 10.5, calcium 400, ph 8.2, temp 78, sg 1.025. We use 10,000k and actinics. Tank has been going over 6 months now. My poor brittle, the crabs are pushing him around when they move and he isn't even retracting his arms like normal. He was fine...
  5. saltwaternoob


    I had/have a algae growth issue on my sand. I reduced feeding. I reduced the time the lights are on down to 4 hours and I got a Rio 1400 powerhead for my 55 gal. It has been almost 2 weeks and it has cleared up some but not much. All of my water parameters are near perfect. My turbo snails are...
  6. saltwaternoob

    Sun coral

    From my understanding of the SC it will eat any type of zoo/phyto. I have never heard of cytopleeze. Is it a variation of Cyclopeeze? If you they will eat it. Cyclop is a very fine zoo.
  7. saltwaternoob

    will a peppermint shrimp eat/kill an anemone

    I have a BTA and 7 peppermints. They have co-existed for 7 months now and I have not had any issues.
  8. saltwaternoob

    Glass or Acrylic?

    I prefer glass but it is super heavy. I almost broke my back carrying a 55 gal by myself
  9. saltwaternoob

    Sun coral

    try taking a plastic bottle and cutting it in half. save the cap. when you want to feed them place the bottle over the coral into the sand and pipet the food into the bottle. cover with the cap and let it sit for an hour or 2. that was part of the rehab I used for mine after I dropped them...
  10. saltwaternoob

    Sun coral

    I was also told that the sun coral needs shade. My SC is out in the open under my lights and in a strong flow with no problems what so ever. I have had mine for 3 weeks now and after acclimation I ended up dropping it from about 6' to the floor and shattered a part of it. I thought it was going...
  11. saltwaternoob

    Almost ready to start.

    Originally Posted by gbfan41649 How thck should the sand be 1"..... 2" ....... 3"........ i tried to do 3" across the bottom but my hosted tomato decided to make sand dunes all over the place. Near the BTA she has the sand thin enough that you can see the glass. Good luck if you have a fish...
  12. saltwaternoob


    Originally Posted by Oceansidefish Mine turned out to be the hermit shells against the glass :) lol same here. after buying the trap and then doing some experimenting with the shells .............. elementary my dear watson
  13. saltwaternoob


    I have a 55 gal with the 500gph pump. it is in the middle of the tank facing the front lsightly down so it makes a V with its flow. I am trying to decide between 2 smaller powerheads on each end of tank in the same direction or 1 big 1 at a side shooting directly down the back of the tank. yes i...
  14. saltwaternoob


    a lightbulb finally appeared over my head and i found out that the shrimp can leave just as easy as they enter. bye bye glass bottle. i am going to pick up a trap tonight after work. lol im brain dead
  15. saltwaternoob


    as of yet no pistol/hermit. i did manage to catch 1 of my peppermint shrimp and a baby hermit.
  16. saltwaternoob


    2 tomato, 1 royal gramma and 1 bicolor blenny
  17. saltwaternoob


    I am guessing. My gf and I have yet to see what is making the noise. None of our cleaners are dead (besides natural causes and unnatural Cyano bloom >.<) or any of our fish. The noise started when I purchased some Fiji rock from the lfs. The only good thing that has happened so far is the glass...
  18. saltwaternoob


    I have an empty Captn Morgan bottle soaking in RO atm, ill give it 2 hours before immersion. Maybe the thing will get trashed and pass out.
  19. saltwaternoob


    ok i will try that tonight and see what happens. ty guys
  20. saltwaternoob


    will it be easy to get the shrimp out? i dont want to see 1 of my peppermints get in there and die