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  1. saltwaternoob


    For the last 2 months or so I have been hearing a loud pop/click noise every now and then in my tank. I have read several of the posts related to pistol/mantis shrimp and I am worried I have one. None of my peppermint shrimps are dead. I have lost some crabs due to them fighting each other and...
  2. saltwaternoob

    Help please!

    ty for all of the replies. I have sufficient algae to feed the snails. I also give them algae sheets. The only poisons I know of that kill them are the Dino's... my poor snails :(
  3. saltwaternoob

    Help please!

    ty for linking that beth, it was very informative and I have just initiated 2 of the suggested prevention procedures, the food and the lights. The thread didn't mention anything about snails dying. Anyone have suggestions as to why that may be?
  4. saltwaternoob

    Help please!

    I have some reddish brownish algae growing on my sand. I do 20% water changes every other week and i don't overfeed. I run my 10,000K lights for 6 hours a day and my actinis for 10 hours a day. I have no idea if the algae is Diatoms or Dinoflagellates. I got some red slim remover from Ultralife...
  5. saltwaternoob

    Help with anemone.....what is this??!!

    seems like foot ripped and those are it's insides. it won't survive that
  6. saltwaternoob

    nitrate question

    substrate = LS 60lbs, LR 75lbs water movement = 500 gph pump outlet spout (not sure if that is what you meant) I think I will buy a different test kit. RedSea seems to give big discrepancies between itself and Tetra test kits.
  7. saltwaternoob

    nitrate question

    The tanks is over 5 months old. I do 20% water changes every other week. I put some kelp into my sump and left a desk lamp on it for the last month. It has tons of algae in it.
  8. saltwaternoob

    nitrate question

    I know that nitrates aren't that bad but my test came back 20. Any suggestions on how I can lower this would be appreciated. I use Red Sea for the testing.
  9. saltwaternoob

    sump question

    Inside my sump I have some red kelp. I have been leaving a desk lamp on facing the sump so the kelp can grow. I had to put it in there due to my turbo snails munching on it. I just noticed that algae has started to grow on the sump. Will algae growth in the sump hurt anything? comments please.
  10. saltwaternoob

    2nd BTA

    I have 2 tomato clowns. I purchased a green BTA last week. The male was hosting in it for the first 5 days. The female wanted nothing to do with it. Now she runs him out of it and wont leave the BTA alone. This is where I need some opinions. I want to get a 2nd BTA for the male. How close can it...
  11. saltwaternoob

    elusive peppermint shrimp?

    i have 7 peppermints and i see them daily. i feed them once a day and they wait for me near the glass. i have them eating out of my hand some times. during night or day they are always out in the open in my tank.
  12. saltwaternoob

    I was told...

    Originally Posted by jden092901 royal grammas are so pretty...are they ok with clowns? And, would a maroon clown be ok with a per clown? i have 2 tomato clowns and a royal gramma. the tomatos get along better with him theyn they do with each other.
  13. saltwaternoob

    Blue hermits

    I am keeping score so far it's : Blue hermits 5 snails 0 With an abundance of empty shells to choose from my crabs keep killing my snails for their shells. I understand that the snail shells must be cozy since they are broken in but sheesh. I thought these guys were supposed to be nice. I saw...
  14. saltwaternoob

    Torn fin

    the tomatos and the blue legs have been together now for over 3 months. The 10 snails I just added are new. I am not stressed at all about the cost, I have already put $2k into this tank. I have over 20 empty shells in their for the crabs. The stress is from wondering what will live within the...
  15. saltwaternoob

    Torn fin

    I tried a search for several related words but nothing relevent appeared. My tomato has a torn fin on the right side. Is there a way to help him or will it eventually heal on it's own? p.s. My blue legged hermits r killing my new Astrea snails for their shells. I just got 20 new shells of...
  16. saltwaternoob

    BTA question

    ty eagle for the input.
  17. saltwaternoob

    BTA question

    The lfs just got in 2 small bta's that are green and pink. I have read the following: Don’t buy a bleached anemone! These can recover over time, but they are not a wise purchase for such a delicate animal. Those specimens that are colored “day-glo” pink or green are not healthy. That coloration...
  18. saltwaternoob

    Tomato acting weird

    posted in wrong section, sorry
  19. saltwaternoob

    Tomato acting weird

    I have 2 tomatos. The bigger 1 (I will assume it is a she) keeps chasing the male around all day. It has gotten to the point that he sleeps behind the collector box cuz she cant fit behind it. I have only noticed this happening when I have the Actinic(don't know if I spelled that correctly)...
  20. saltwaternoob

    Shaving Brush turning white.....

    Originally Posted by ophiura You should be able to return them, no? They can sometimes have an impact on the pH, because it impacts gas exchange (reduces pH). woot got them returned. I purchased some minor things for the tank. Egg crates are good you say?