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  1. micol23


    To answer some questions, I have a 75 reef with a Powder Blue Tang, Clarkii Clown, Anthia, and the 2 mandarins. Assorted corals and 2 bubble anemones. I don't think food is the issue, as I have plenty of rock, probably over 125 pounds. My assumption is that the 2 species just don't coexist...
  2. micol23


    I was wondering what people's experiences are with having both psychedelic and spotted mandarin in their tank. I currently have a larger male psychedelic and a smaller spotted female who is constantly chasing him around and nipping his tail. Is this normal? Courtship? Thanks for your replies.
  3. micol23

    Anemone Crab

    Anyone have one? The one I want looks like this ****Sammy says, you can't link to that site,sorry***** but I read that he is a filter feeder requiring phytoplankton. They are just so cool with their little fans to catch stuff and bring it to their mouth. [ June 01, 2001: Message edited by...
  4. micol23

    Wonderful World of Lion Fish

    Unfortunately, you will need another tank (or maybe fortunately!). Any lion will get way too big for your tank, not to mention kill most if not all of your livestock. Use it as a blessing and buy tank number 2. At least a 75.
  5. micol23

    eclipse system six

    I have one with 2 hermits, 3 snails, a coral banded shrimp, a baby sea urchin (which was a rock hitchhiker), a feather duster, scattered small pieces of live rock, and some caulerpa. Up for about 6 months now.
  6. micol23

    *POLL* Everyone anwser!!

    Almost never, haven't changed it since New Year's Day.
  7. micol23

    Refigerated rodi water?

    I do that a lot, but add it gradually to the sump. That doesn't shock the tank directly, and has little effect, but helps a little.
  8. micol23

    White spiders on glass?

    I have hundreds of these also. My tank is 75g, with 100 or so pounds LR. They are all over the glass. I have a mandarin, and haven't really seen him going after these, and they showed up really quickly. I thought that maybe they were baby starfish because of the radial symmetry, but wasn't...
  9. micol23

    what kind of anemone did i buy?

    The colored base sounds like either a ritteri (sp) or long tentacled. If it is a ritteri, I've seen plenty of percs take to them. A LT, I'm not sure. Ritteris are usually expensive, but very beautiful. Good luck.
  10. micol23

    Can't figure this out?

    I keep my salt 1.024 or so. What else is in your tank?
  11. micol23


    Most likely not. Why not ask the store if they will hold it for you, or put in on like a layaway plan. [ April 18, 2001: Message edited by: Micol23 ]
  12. micol23

    Branck Hammer Coral Question

    I have a branch hammer that really expanded nicely the morning after I brought it home. My first thought is water parameters, and my second is lighting. What do you have?