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  1. jchmiel

    Skimmer not producing

    Fixed my problem looks like the turn valve I was using (tho very nice for adjusting) was either leaking or didnt have enough flow. What do you use for a Valve to adjust your stone drivin skimmer? be it diy or not.
  2. jchmiel

    Another dang algae question...

    One thing is that, maybe something died. Check your phos and nitrates. Maybe something is rotting in a corner.
  3. jchmiel

    cleaner shrimp eggs?

    Those are eggs but unless you have a mating pair the eggs are probley not fertilized and even if they are its very difficult to raise the young.
  4. jchmiel

    Skimmer not producing

    Yeah 1.024 and when I was at home today I actually increased the flow to see if I get any foam it seemed to be moving to slow.
  5. jchmiel

    Skimmer not producing

    Ohh yeah 2 clowns 1 blue tang all fish like 1 inch 1 tube anem 3x3 star polyps hermits 4 turbos snails some other snails feather duster
  6. jchmiel

    Skimmer not producing

    I have a 40 gal tank thats been up for 6 months or more. I made my skimmer out of pvc. for just the last 2-3 weeks my skimmer doesnt bubble at all. I replaced my limewood air stone from a 2 to a 3 inch, thinking maybe the wood is getting old or clogged. It was working perfect before, all...
  7. jchmiel

    new purchase question

    Ohhh yeah I forgot to ask... Im gonna do a water change tonight or should I wait till tomorrow?
  8. jchmiel

    new purchase question

    Is this Goniopora (Flower Pot Corals) or is it Green Star Polyps??? :notsure: Bought it from a LFS and didnt remeber the name they called it. First picture is when I got it in the tank second is about an hour or so after. Also they closed about an hour after the lights went out is that...
  9. jchmiel

    my lighting question(s)

    Would acropora do well in this lighting and where should I put it if I got one...
  10. jchmiel

    my lighting question(s)

    I have a compact fluorescent fixture with one regular bulb and one actinic both 96 watts. So does that mean I have effectivley 192 watts of light? Does the actinic bulb get rated lower cause of the tinting? What can grow well under this lighting? I have them on the plastic risers that lifts...
  11. jchmiel

    ID Stuff on LR please.

    (Lower circle) dont know what this is it came on the rock with my dying mushrooms. Its white/off white feels like hard skin, runs in a path around the rock. I cut most of it off and it heals quickley. There is nothing that I can tell is inside. (upper circle) this guy has like 3-4 arms that...
  12. jchmiel

    Mushrooms Dying HELP please!!!

    no other corals are in the tank (mushrooms are in low flow area)... Here is my tank: 40 gal Reef Tank - 10 gal ref/sump - 2 Ocellaris Clownfish (1 inch) - 1 Blue Tang (1 inch) - 2 Green Rhodactis Mushrooms (was three) - 1 Tube Anemone (4 inches at night) - 1 Feather Duster (plume is 2-3 inches)...
  13. jchmiel

    Mushrooms Dying HELP please!!!

    Not too much difference this morning but that could be a good thing.
  14. jchmiel

    Mushrooms Dying HELP please!!!

    Here is the worm from the ID thread!!! builds a shell around himself as he moves around.
  15. jchmiel

    Mushrooms Dying HELP please!!!

    didnt look better just stopped being ate (dissapeering)!!!!!! been about a week. I didnt get a shot of the worm but look up spagetti worm and thats pretty much what it looked like. I seem the same worm in the ID thread here but no one responded!
  16. jchmiel

    Mushrooms Dying HELP please!!!

    7 month reef, 40 gal, water parameters spot on. rhodactis mushroom (that I can tell) is dying and/or hurt badly. Bought the shroom from a LFS and there were three, small one wasnt doing so good (droopy). That one dissappeared, others where doing ok (1 month). Then the others started getting...