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  1. danfishman2

    Fishy Question??

    Is this a copperband Butterfly, its called a Margined Coralfish on the site but looks the same. Is it an Apitasia eater ?
  2. danfishman2

    Fishy Question??

    Which Fish Eat Apitasia, all suggestiong are please reply.
  3. danfishman2

    Live Brine Shrimp

    The fish will probably eat all they can so how many were you looking at. The brine shrimp will live in there a fair while, probably there life. People put the artemia in at night to feed the mandarins. So in the morning the artemia are nestle in the rock work etc. so the mandarin gets some. So...
  4. danfishman2

    Raising Brine Shrimp

    1. Hydration. Put the cysts in a cup with freshwater, keep the ones that that sink. 2. Decapsulation This is to break the cysts shell which can be done with chlorine. This should be diluted at 1:1 with water. You will notice the water turn a reddish to pink colour once the membrane is gone. 3...
  5. danfishman2


    I have had my tank running for a number of months and I can't get any algae growth for my tang, what can I do, is my water to clean for algae to grow. I don't know much and any info would be appreciated.
  6. danfishman2

    Live Brine Shrimp

    raising Live Brine is a fairly easy process. If you want to know how, post a reply.