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  1. jesshika


    Is that a clarkii with a condylactulous? I didn't think clowns ever hosted them before. Here is my clarkii in my sebae anemone
  2. jesshika

    maroon gold stripe

    Clownfish should never be mixed especially the maroons, they are one of the most aggressive clownfish to get and will probably declare dominance over the tank when it gets older I have a baby gold stripe right now in a 25 gallon and he is the cutest and seems like a very passive fish, but I'm...
  3. jesshika

    55 or 40 Gallon Saltwater?

    I am thinking about switching my 55 gallon 4 foot freshwater and my 3 foot saltwater. I need to upgrade the lighting for the 55 and I wanted to make it a reef eventually. The 40 gallon is shorter and wider than the 55 so what would you recommend would be better for saltwater tank? The shorter...
  4. jesshika

    Which Community Fish To Add

    I would recommend a six line or a flasher wrasse, (the fish in my avatar). They don't get very large and are peaceful and very pretty
  5. jesshika

    Sally Lightfoot

    Shouldn't be a problem, I have a sally light foot with a large hermit in a 25 gallon and they are fine together.