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  1. jesshika

    Anemone Lighting Question

    My tank is a 40 shallow tank. Is your tank deep or shallow? I would say no less than 192 watts. You want at least 10,000 k too
  2. jesshika

    Anemone Lighting Question

    You don't have to have metal halide in order to keep an anemone. What are the watts and kelvin on the T5's? I think PC lights are fine if you have enough wattage. I have a coralife double fixture with 192 watts total and anemones do fine. The lights are also 10,000 k, I don't think the...
  3. jesshika

    Trouble with Aiptasia

    Thanks for all your replies! I left the rock out of water overnight and I decided to put it back in the tank today and it just looked cloudy. After a few hours it looks even more cloudy and very dirty looking and the tank smells really bad. So I hope its not curing again? So I will have to take...
  4. jesshika

    first fish

    Originally Posted by watever91 oh, and i want to know about and octopus. i would definatly not get one for a long, long time but what would be the requirments for one? Hmm I think an air tight tank lol. They are escape artists I've heard and they eat fish and inverts, so I don't think its a...
  5. jesshika

    first fish

    Nah, I wouldn't do it because eventually its going to get a lot bigger and a 55 corner thank just isn't big enough for a hippo tang imo. I wouldn't even put a hippo in my 55 gallon thats 4 feet long because I know he would outgrow it BTW welcome to the board
  6. jesshika

    New Fish Suggestions

    I would suggest a wrasse of some kind, like a six line or fairy wrasse. Most wrasses are very colorful and peaceful and there are lots that don't get that large. They are an interesting fish to watch, always swimming in and out of the rocks
  7. jesshika

    can they?

    Nope, I've had many huge bristle worms living in the same rock that the anemone was on and never had a problem with bristle worms eating anemones or corals or anything.
  8. jesshika

    first fish

    Yah, tangs are not a good starter fish and the 55 may even be too small for them, longer tanks are better for tangs. They need at least a 75 gallon long. The clowns are the best starter fish or I like wrasses a lot too.
  9. jesshika

    Trouble with Aiptasia

    Originally Posted by Al Mc After reestablishing the tank you will hopefully be free of the Aptasia. If any come back you can also consider Berghia Nidibranchs. They do a great job on these unwanted pests, but you have to be careful that the fish or other inverts you have won't decide to eat...
  10. jesshika

    Trouble with Aiptasia

    Even after the fresh water, all the aiptasia still wasn't dead! I put it all back in boiling water and then took each piece and used high water pressure with boiling water to get everything off. I now have the rock sitting in a bucket with no water so if there is anything on there still it...
  11. jesshika

    Fish not looking good after just adding it

    How long has the tank been setup for and do you know what the water parameters are? The clown trigger may be more sensitive to the water than the damsel fish and clowns.
  12. jesshika

    Trouble with Aiptasia

    After getting fed up with these aiptasia covered all over the rock, the live sand, the glass, heater, filter, literally everything; I did a hot freshwater dip on all the rocks in the hope to eliminate the aiptasia. Of course that would mean losing my coepods and bristle worms, its the only...
  13. jesshika

    Which Community Fish To Add

    Originally Posted by regina13 I think they are going to take that link off b/c it is for another fish site that sells fish. Sorry, I looked on the SW site and I didn't see the carpenter wrasse
  14. jesshika

    Which Community Fish To Add

    That one is a carpenter flasher, heres a link for him and some other wrasses: :Link Edited:
  15. jesshika

    55 or 40 Gallon Saltwater?

    I've been in the marine hobby for over 6 years, (since I was about 14) and I've gone through so many tanks and sizes. Probably about 7 tanks altogether from a 5 gallon to a 90. It was a mistake to get rid of everything though. I should have known I would want to keep fish again
  16. jesshika

    55 or 40 Gallon Saltwater?

    The 55 is still fairly new as its only been setup as a freshwater for about 8 months. The 40 is only 3 months old since I upgraded it from a 25 gallon already. The reason I was thinking about switching the tanks was because I will be moving soon and its the only opportunity I will have to...
  17. jesshika

    55 or 40 Gallon Saltwater?

    Originally Posted by big Another thought, have you ever used copper in the 55 ??? if so make the 40 the reef. Other than that I am one too that says the bigger the better. Nope never used copper in any tanks before? why, what does adding copper do? Wasn't it a treatment method for something?
  18. jesshika

    HOB filters

    I want to know if a Penguin Bio wheel 200 is a good enough filter for a 40 gallon FOWLR tank? I also have a Rio 600 and a Rio 90 in there as well. I am thinking of upgrading more to a reef but I might need a protien simmer and more fiilteration?
  19. jesshika


    That was a picture back when i first got it, I think I only had it a week. I didn't know they could bleach anemones?! I just thought there were different colors naturally because I had another large sebae that was white.
  20. jesshika

    sand sifting snails

    I have two but they will only emerge from the sand if they smell food. When I bought them I didn't even know they buried themselves in the sand so I was surprised when I saw them digging under. You can look for the little antenna that they stick out from the sand, I always thought of it as...