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  1. a0b915

    How Much Live Rock is too much

    bbeavers, The general rule of thumb with live rock is 1 to 1.5 lbs live rock per gallon of water. was the live rock you ordered from a true 45 lbs. of rock or was it shipping wieght? Just thought I remembered reading their wieghts were shipping wieght. With another 45 lbs. you would...
  2. a0b915


    Sorry to hear about the nitrate problems. I just went through a battle of my own. It may be wise to do a 25 to 30 percent change now and another next week to really put a dent in the nitrate levels. I am fairly new at this, but am just passing on some advise from my own thread regarding...
  3. a0b915

    Updates on new SW tank

    Woody, Just wanted to thank you and the rest of the veteran crew for this very informative thread. I am a newbie as well with a 58 gallon aquarium. I got off easy because the tank was given to me and was already established when I got it. The tank had been neglected for a while, so there was...
  4. a0b915


    Dog on right is a little overweight, but it is also shedding like mad right now. When he sheds his undercoat it makes him look bigger than he really is. Minnesota weather makes it difficult for me to get him out for his daily runs, just to damn cold. Any word on the red sea reef lab test kit. JD
  5. a0b915


    thanks for all the help!! this site has taught me so much. anymore info would be greatly appreciated especially any advise on the red sea reef lab test kit. one last picture, not the fish but the other interest in my household. JD
  6. a0b915


    sump, bottom left is the white substrate
  7. a0b915


    tank picture
  8. a0b915


    Thanks for all the useful info lion. I am going to take pictures tonight, i ended up sleeping all day after the night shift. I will make sure to post them to help illustrate the white substrate in my sump. I have another question regarding test kits. I have read on this site that the dip...
  9. a0b915


    alright, this brings me to my next question. i was told i had a dsb, but maybe i don't. the LFS set up the tank originally, but he is also the guy that is telling me to clean the sand all the way down to the bottom and remove all the dark crap from the bottom of the sand. after the moving of...
  10. a0b915


    my current tank has a dsb base of about two inches and the tank has a considerable amount of live rock in it. my friend helped move it over to my house from his because he was moving and i think he thought the tank was a hassle. i didn't weigh the live rock, but it appears to me after looking...
  11. a0b915


    Snipe Thanks for the reply. My nitrate level are at about 30ppm, but i do have a rbta and a green open brain. My tank was given to me from a friend so i am learning as i go. The livestock in my tank consists of 2 clown fish 1 yellow tang 1 royal gramma 1 red spotted blenny numerous hermits...
  12. a0b915


    What's up? Just wondering how I can get and keep my nitrate levels down to a manageable level? I have a 58 gallon tank with good readings other than my nitrates. I have cut back on feeding the fish, done two ten gallon water changes in the last month, and have a protein skimmer that seems to...
  13. a0b915

    dying finger leather coral

    HELP, i am new to saltwater aquariums, but was give a 58 gallon tank from a buddy of mine. i've done some reading and research and the tank was looking better after three months at my house than it was at my buddies. when i got the tank it had only two clowns, a yellow tang, and a red spotted...