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  1. a0b915

    starting a tank

    Should I put about 60 lbs of agranonite sand in the tank? I have about 60 to 70 lbs of rock. Is the agranonite sand live or do I need to buy some live sand to mix with the agranonite sand? Will a piece of shrimp from the grocery store start the cycle? Sorry for all the questions and thanks...
  2. a0b915

    starting a tank

    Thanks for the help! Just want to make sure I'm on track. Clean rock, tank Equipment, add sand rock and water to tank and start cycle. What sand should I use? Do I want live sand in the tank during the cycle process?
  3. a0b915

    starting a tank

    The rock is definately dead so to speak, should I clean it before putting it in the tank. I had a crushed coral bottom that I would siphon to clean every time I did a water change, should i switch to a DSB with live sand? JD
  4. a0b915

    starting a tank

    I was given a 60 gallon tank with fish live rock and equipment a few years ago. It was going great then I moved and broke down the tank. I am now ready to set the tank back up after six months. I was wondering if I could keep my live rock and just start over with the cycling process. I am...
  5. a0b915

    How do i Move my Tank??

    Sub, Depending on how far your moving, you could probably transport the fish in the tank. I made about a 20 mile move with my fish in a five gallon bucket and everyone was fine. Just make sure if the fish are the last thing out of the tank and first thing to go back in. On longer trips I have...
  6. a0b915

    What size tank?????????

    Val.K The common rule of thumb is that a larger tank is easier to maintain than a smaller tank, because greater water volume = diluted pollutants. I have a 58 gallon tank and have had good luck. I do also believe that with the proper education and effort any size tank can be successful. Good...
  7. a0b915

    Started My 1ST Tank - TODAY!!

    Congrats on the new tank!! Everything looks to be in good shape. I would also lower the SG a little bit and the pH may be a little high as well. I just wanted to warn you about the test strips you are using, IMO they are not very reliable. I used them for the first few months I had my tank...
  8. a0b915

    moving my 55 gallon, about 30 miles away

    Coastie, I did a move of about 20 miles, and it was pretty easy. I siphoned out the water into new five gallon buckets. Then i put all my fish, snails, crabs, etc. into one bucket, and filled the rest of the buckets up with my live rock and corals. The bucket with the fish could use a...
  9. a0b915

    Converting Watts to Amps

    acrylic Just wanted to ask you a couple of questions. I have read along the Leona thread and have a concern about increasing my flow. I am in the process of doing the tank calculations with Squids formulas, but left it all at home. Mainly I was just wondering if I could do a closed loop...
  10. a0b915

    Converting Watts to Amps

    Watts / Volts = Amps jd
  11. a0b915

    Will These sump plans work???

    The plans you have draw up look pretty good. I would make the fuge portion of the tank larger. The middle portion that you labled don't know should be just large enough to house your return pump. I have a 58 gallon that overflows into my sump and i am using the mag 7 (700 gph) as my return...
  12. a0b915

    PC placement around MH

    Masala I would mount the PC's up by the MH if I were you. Even if you lose a little light intensity from the PC's you will still have around 9 to 10 watts per gallon. Just my opinion, I am struggling with these same questions, but your are off to a great start. JD
  13. a0b915


    Masala I read that thread earlier and was impressed with your work. I was only concerned with the inability to do tank maintanence without having to remove your entire canopy. I guess that is an issue with about any canopy though. How much was the MH retro Kit if you don't mind me asking...
  14. a0b915


    Masala, I am in the process of completing my DIY stand and will be starting on my canopy next. I would like to go with the MH and also thought it was doable, but wanted to make sure there was no need for a chiller. Do you have any suggestions on the MH lights (brand of lights, type of ballast...
  15. a0b915


    Just hoping I could get a little advise on some new lights. I was going to go with MH, but the LFS told me to I should upgrade to VHO because of heat issues. I have a 58 gallon tank (36 x 20 x 18) I believe. Would two 175 Watt Mh with two 96 Watt actnic lights run my temp to hot? Right now I...
  16. a0b915

    sump return help

    misty Have you cleaned the return pump recently. I am not familiar with the inner working of that pump, but I recently cleaned my return pump and can not believe the difference it has made. JD
  17. a0b915

    CC and sand

    jg303030, High nitrate levels are the exact reason I was questioning my CC. High Nitrate levels are not something you want to let go at all. I found that the test strips (CRAP) I were using gave me a false nitrate reading. I would suggest you get a good test kit (Salifert is what I ended up...
  18. a0b915

    CC and sand

    I have a layer of CC about 1" thick and was also wondering the same thing. My LFS told me not to add the sand on top of the CC. I was also advised on this site that if I wanted the sand bed i could remove the CC a little at a time so i didn't deplete my tank of the useful bacteria all at once...
  19. a0b915

    Royal Gramma question

    Todd, My royal gramma spends the majority of its' time upside down or on its side. I worried for about a month thinking it was on the way to a slow misserable death, but instead it has be hanging out in its cave and growing like mad. JD
  20. a0b915

    Salinity question??

    If your salinity is to high you must remove salt from your tank. When evaporation occurs it only removes water from your tank and leaves behind the salt. If you are topping off with fresh water your salinity should remain pretty constant. To bring your salinity down you must remove salt water...