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  1. logger850

    So Happy

    for lighting I have 2-55watt pc's, 2-20watt actinic, and 1-mh175watt6500k, lights are doing good, I am getting alot of coraline growth, this site is cool, learning alot, and nice to meet others in this crazy hobby of ours. As for the clams moving, there movement is very little, but they do.
  2. logger850

    So Happy

    I know :notsure: , I can't keep them apart, they were at opposite ends and always come together, but they are happy, and that's what counts
  3. logger850

    So Happy

    :happy: My 33 is doing great, just a few picks
  4. logger850

    yaya Algea algea please help

    sorry, I missed that, but check your r/o water, I did have a problem with high phosphates once with my r/o filter
  5. logger850

    yaya Algea algea please help

    how about your water quality? meaning the quality of water you are using for your water changes, is it tap or r/o water, that to me makes all the difference in the world
  6. logger850

    Please Help To Identify

    the rock was bare when I put it in, now this has grown, it is brittle, gold in color, no brown algae at all, and it is transparent :thinking:
  7. logger850

    Please Help To Identify

    I tried posting pics before, came out blurry, trying again, thank you
  8. logger850


    Can anyone tell me what this is, it is gold in color and transparent, was not on the live rock when I purchased the rock but in a month has grown rapidly. I like it, has not done anything to the water chemistry, just trying to figure out what it is. Thanks for all the help.
  9. logger850

    more pics of 10 gal

    no,no fish, just a orange sponge, kenya tree coral, pulsing xenia, mushrooms and polyps, and one cleaner shrimp, and snails and blue legs
  10. logger850

    anything available in Ontario, Canada

    Hi, let me know what you have and we will go from there, reach me at, or here, thanks
  11. logger850

    more pics of 10 gal

  12. logger850

    10 gal pictures

    my 2 month progression thus far, hope these turn out :happy:
  13. logger850

    anything available in Ontario, Canada

    anyone have anything in Ontario, Canada or be willing to ship? I live close to a border store and would be able to pick it up state side?
  14. logger850

    anything for sale in Ontario, Canada

    Hey everybody, I live here in Ontario, Canada. As you know we are limited in what we have up here for our hobby, even when stuff comes in to the lfs, you need to mortage your house to get it, so I was wondering what is for sale around here?
  15. logger850

    Silicone not sticking??

    thank you claw, didn't know about the leaching, seems we use rubbermade for everything else with fish I figured it would be safe for this, it is a very sturdy one, I paid attention to construction before I picked one out, I sanded the areas where i will be glueing, hope it works, Thanks again
  16. logger850

    Silicone not sticking??

    I am trying to build a plant refugium, trying to glue in some baffles in a 25 gallon long rubbermade container. It's been over 24 hours, and the silicone glue just pulls away from the container with little pressure. I've used silicone before on glass tanks and obviously works well, is there...
  17. logger850

    Silicone not sticking??

    I am trying to build a plant refugium, trying to glue in some baffles in a 25 gallon long rubbermade container. It's been over 24 hours, and the silicone glue just pulls away from the container with little pressure. I've used silicone before on glass tanks and obviously works well, is there...
  18. logger850

    R/O water storage???

    excellent, thank you for your input.
  19. logger850

    R/O water storage???

    do you mix the salt in ahead of time or just leave it as fresh water and add salt to it before a water change?
  20. logger850

    R/O water storage???

    I first off want to say my hats off to all the people on this site, I am new to this board and am amazed at the pride people take in there tanks, it makes me feel good to know people take this hobby serious, and some of the tanks are out of this world, to bad there wasn't some kind of contest to...