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  1. clamdigger

    Blue hippo sick??????????

    My blue hippo has a swollen area around the anal region and is more active than normal am I paranoid :scared: os is something wrong w/ her :mad:
  2. clamdigger

    Is my hippo sick?????????????

    I've had a blue hippo in my tank for two weeks, she has always remained hidden (playing dead) and comes out from time to time...I know that this is normal.....but today I noticed a small swollen area around her anal region and she has out swimming back and forth for about an hour and a...
  3. clamdigger

    Thanks a ton!!!!

    I just wanted thank evryone for all the info/advice.... I posted a thread a few days ago about rusty brown algae...turned out to be diatoms. :notsure: I took advice and used distilled water for my top off yesterday and also put 10 turbo snails and a queen conch in my reef... man what a...
  4. clamdigger

    live food????

    I have been told that it is a good idea to feed live guppies ,occasionally, is this true????? 55gal reef
  5. clamdigger


    is it posible to live with c.c.... and still be happy(extreme clean-up crew maybe?) my girlfriend is scared to death that I'm gonna kill her blue hippo if I make the change!!
  6. clamdigger


  7. clamdigger


    I have a 55gal- 2 month old reef with cc...I have heard that live sand is better is it too late.... can I live with cc or should I change to sand.....EASILY??????
  8. clamdigger

    corals...too soon? NO more fish!!! Got it. I should be fine with inverts right???(nudibranch, brittle star,) how about clams??....Thank you again
  9. clamdigger

    corals...too soon?

    I have a 55 reef about 2 months in... I'm seeing a diatom problem because I recently changed to a dual sat 260watt lighting system, but I understand that it will go away. I have a yellow tang,percula clown, green chromis,two damsels, and a blue hippo I lost a coral beauty.....I desperatly want...
  10. clamdigger

    Rusty brown???

    I have a dual sat system....130watts-blue/purple actinic and 130 watts dual daylight----260Watts tot.
  11. clamdigger

    Rusty brown???

    Thanks alot...I am going to add corals at some point....what do you think would be a good coral choice/ clean-up crew????
  12. clamdigger

    Rusty brown???

    my tank is about 2 months...I did just add a dual sat lighting system...
  13. clamdigger

    Rusty brown???

    My tank is about 2 months, and I did just add a new dual sat lighting system....
  14. clamdigger

    Rusty brown???

    I can't keep with a rusty brown algae growing on bottom and glass...any suggestions???