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  1. jeremyhaas

    A 1 month established tank

    Does this sound right? My diatoms bloomed and then they settled down, no more diatoms really. My ammonia and nitrites seem to be 0 and the high Nitrates are telling me the tank cycle is ending but my PH is high. Do you think once my nitrates lower and everything zero's out my PH will lower...
  2. jeremyhaas

    Tap water and coral?

    What is the metal reducing liquid thing you use?
  3. jeremyhaas

    Tap water and coral?

    I live in the country and I was wondering if it is neccasary to have an RO/DI with coral? I have inverts in the tank right now and they are doing fine.
  4. jeremyhaas

    20 watt Coralife 50/50 bulbs

    I am using these in my 10 gallon. They are 50/50 bulbs, 20 watts each. Half 10k/Actinic. I am using these over my 10 gallon tank and if I need bigger lights I will get them but if these two 20 watt power compact bulbs will be sufficient enough for low light/medium coral I will stick with them.
  5. jeremyhaas

    I need an RO/DI?

    I am having alot of trouble with diatoms in my 10 gallon nano. People are telling me to get 100 gpd ro's, when in all reality I am never going to need that much ro water. I don't see myself using more than 10 gallons a week of RO water and I need a good filter. Any recommendations?
  6. jeremyhaas

    Brown sand

    Originally Posted by Suzy While you get the cause of the situation under control, I would use the diatoms to your tanks benefit. Diatoms are a really nutritious alga, and your microfauna population thrives on them. I actually culture a diatom species to add to my tanks. Take a turkey baster...
  7. jeremyhaas

    Brown sand

    What do you recommend for an RO unit? I don't want to be cheap about it, but I don't use much water because it's a 10 gallon tank.
  8. jeremyhaas

    Brown sand

    Is there anything you recommend to keep them in check untill I get a ro? Or an RO unit? I don't want to be cheap but I don't want to spend a fortune on one.
  9. jeremyhaas

    Brown sand

    I have a small 10 gallon aquarium that has 15 pounds of LR, 2 Blue Damsels, 6 Blue Leg Hermits and a Scarlett Skunk Cleaner Shrimp. I have TWO 20 watt 50/50 10k/actinic bulbs over my tank. I plan on adding some low/medium light corals in my tank but I seem to have problems with brown sand or...
  10. jeremyhaas

    What anemones will a clown host?

    I only have 40 watts of compact fluorescent light over my 10 gallon so I am limited to non-photosynthetic anemones. What can I buy that my clown will host?
  11. jeremyhaas

    Non photosynthetic corals?

    I have names from Viper_930's thread. All his coral in his tank at the time were non photosynthetic but I can't seem to find them on web sites to order. They are scientific names, does anyone know their common names? I am open to all suggestions and ideas for non photo's. Thanks Dendrophyllia...
  12. jeremyhaas

    Coralife Mini Compact 50/50 Lamp 20 Watt

    I tried to say they were s_crew in bulbs. But it won't let you type s_crew as one word.
  13. jeremyhaas

    Coralife Mini Compact 50/50 Lamp 20 Watt

    Are these considered power compact? They are [hr] in bulbs and not square pin. I am using these for low light coral such as mushrooms and zoas in my 10 gallon nano. They are 50% 10k daylight, and 50% true 03 actinic. Going by the rule of thumb of watts per gallon I will have 4 watts per...
  14. jeremyhaas

    My small nano

    People were telling me to get 70-96 watts of lighting for my 10 gallon. It's not that I want to be cheap, I just wanted a nice colorful tank to look at and I didn't want to have to buy expensive lights for corals if I could find lower light ones.
  15. jeremyhaas

    My small nano

    Sorry about that, I wasn't aware of that rule. Thanks for the heads up. I really appreciate your help. I had people telling me putting shrooms under that lighting wasn't even a good idea.
  16. jeremyhaas

    My small nano

    I just wanted to make sure I understood you. I didn't want to spend 100-200, and have coral die and lose money. So all mushrooms, leather, and zoas unless they are moderate to high or high. That leaves me with alot of possibilities.
  17. jeremyhaas

    My small nano

    I just wanted to make it clear that I had two 50/50 20 watt bulbs. So my 40 watts of 50/50 lighting in my 10 gallon would be good for all shrooms, leathers and zoas? I just wanted color in my tank but I didn't want to compromise killing coral. Is there any chance I could keep any anem's, brain...
  18. jeremyhaas

    My small nano

    does this mean all mushrooms, leathers and zoas? Some shrooms and leathers are medium light? What are zoas? I probably know, just not familiar with the name.