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  1. kistler

    Did my star have a baby

    yup yup, i think so, it weird he came out of no where tho lol. theres so much, I still dont know whats in my tank lol
  2. kistler

    The case of the disappering fish....

    AHHH the poor, TANGS, IF ANYTHING SAVE THE TANG'S!!! I would buy them off you, lol 29 gal. I know they are small but wow, the poor guys they need room, THEY LOVE TO SWIM, even my 55 gal wouldnt keep them both for very long. please save them
  3. kistler

    Did my star have a baby

    I just got this star like a week and a half ago and I think I see a little guy, I was told my star is a sand sifter, what should I know about the little guy, or how do I know it is a star fish, I looks like one (lol, just not like its parent, yet??) Also I am going to be moving in like 30 days...
  4. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    ok he doesnt seem to want the srimp, i tryed to give him some and he just moved away from it each time. is there anything eles i can try ( i lost a pice of srip in the tank also, it got stuk under the live rock, should i get it out?)
  5. kistler

    Is this stuff bad?

    even with fish light at 12 hours is kinda long, i mean how long is the sun up for? not 12 hours at all well at full strangth, I keep mine around 7 1/2 hours a day. I might move it up bit only by 15 min a week. and really when i started my tank i was tonld only to turn on the lights only for like...
  6. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    What could I get that the star will eat? - Feed him directly or leave this food where he normally goes? - I was told that phytoplankton was still good to use not only for the star but just for the tank? I was told like 2 teaspoons every 2 weeks for the phytoplankton? - I do appreciate you...
  7. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    I have been told too keep up on some phytoplanktion to "help" feed the critters to feed him? or :( Would I have to find him a better home?
  8. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    he seems to always sqeeze him/herself between the liverock and glass and sometime sit in the coral bed, i just want to make sure he is happy.
  9. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    and it looks like this also i have a 55 gal tank with 60 lbs of live rock and have a coral rock bed
  10. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    far as i know just a normal star not sure doesnt look like a serpent star he is a light brownish color
  11. kistler

    starfish and coral rock ?

    do starfish like coral rock, i have a med ground up coral rock bed do i need to have sand instead?
  12. kistler

    What its Living on My LR

    Thanks alot you guys, I will do that, I cant wait to see.
  13. kistler

    What its Living on My LR

    thanks, i am still hoping i can find out what it is. I paid for it lol.
  14. kistler

    What its Living on My LR

    I know there allot of things living on a LR but on this one I got from, it seems to be alive... lol I mean I scared it, and it went back in to its “place”. It is white, with red ends and it seems to me living out of a white funnel... it look like a red and white flower almost. I will...