The case of the disappering fish....


i think hes gotten the picture now :rolleyes:
What I would to is, trade in all of your tangs anenome damsels orange clown and catsharks (sorry the tanks too small
) to your LFS and with all the $$$ you get buy as much live rock as humanly possible. Now, add the live rock and monitor for a re-cycle. If this happens trade your clowns in too. If nothing happens or after the whole cycle add your clowns back wait a month add another small fish (royal gramma, flame hawk, neon goby or another fish youve heavily rechearced) then wait another month and add another fish. I know it sounds like not too many fish but think how happy the fish would be :D
oh and I would reccomend stocking 5-2 inches per gallon and stock like 2 clowns a pigmy angel and one other 2-3 inch fish


YES a Shark Catfish, mostly sold as freshwater or if you are lucky a brackish water fish. I converted these from fw to brackish, but the chichlids kept bothering them so I moved the chichlids out and converted the tank to salt w/ them in it. Never had any problems, extremely docile creatures, until recently that fish started disappearing, everyone here blames the SharkCats. But oh well they are being moved soon anyway.


I would buy them off you, lol 29 gal. I know they are small but wow, the poor guys they need room, THEY LOVE TO SWIM, even my 55 gal wouldnt keep them both for very long.
please save them


Active Member
:nope: :nope: :nope:

This thread makes me very sad. I really dont like to see fish being killed like this. Dan, please listen to everyone here and take some advice. The tangs love to swim and need a large tank, at least 5 ft long. Clowns dont mix well, and they will start killing each other off. The 'sharkcats' are just freakin huge and will eat anything that will fit into there mouths. I would strongly advise you to take the tangs back, get of rid of the sharkcats somehow(fillet?) j/k. And decide what type of clowns you want to keep and stick to them.



Originally posted by DanJ
YES a Shark Catfish, mostly sold as freshwater or if you are lucky a brackish water fish. I converted these from fw to brackish, but the chichlids kept bothering them so I moved the chichlids out and converted the tank to salt w/ them in it. Never had any problems, extremely docile creatures, until recently that fish started disappearing, everyone here blames the SharkCats. But oh well they are being moved soon anyway.

Thats a paroon shark isnt it? Sharkcat is not a specific name as just about all if not all fw sharks are bottomfeeder sharks. If they are paroon sharks they get to 1'6". And just bcuz they're moving soon doesnt mean that it is ok. Also it is a terrible idea to convert fw fish to salt. Please let all the fish go and than get some new ones as yur tank is the equivalent to housing 10 dogs in a closet.


You know I've sat here and just let all you "experts" bash my head in against my tank. Well enough.... I went & hired a real expert, not an engineer, student, teacher or the whatever else you all are! You know what ... other than the obvious... the tank is in great health. even better once the sharks are removed. my nitrite & nitrates are good. I have excellent filtration and water flow, and an extreme maintenance regiment that keeps my tank healthy. Will I need to upgrade tanks yes of course but that was always expected, to grow with my fish...but I have time. :rolleyes:
Mr. Fishy... I do my research, my sharkcats are actually know as the Columbian CatShark or West American CatShark. "A very peaceful temperment but as the Columbian Shark grows larger, there is a chance that the shark will eat smaller tank mates. This species prefers some aquarium salt in the water, and may also be acclimated slowly into a saltwater aquarium, as they live in both freshwater and saltwater during different times of their life." The Paroon Shark is very aggressive requires a tank of 180+ gallons and is silver w/ black faing to gold on its back.
So unless you are one of the ten dogs in the closet, keep your badgering to a minimum, and offer helpfull accurate advice. The supposed over crowding of my tank has been addressed over and over again. It is not an issue at this point, and before the fish are all grown up and ready to move I will have their new home ready!!!

Oh by the way Moray... a 6" shark CANNOT EAT A 2" CLAM !!! It is phyically impossible!!!
We found the clam dug down beneath the chrush coral not far from its normal location.


hey were just trying to help and it dosent look like your taking out advice and your so called "expert" probably just wants your money I know I work at a LFS and some consider me an "expert" even though I'm not listen to these ppl...


u attached a picture of a paroon shark. I know what it looks like bcuz i may not know that much about sw but i know my fw fish... cept african cichlids. They all look the same to me. Also at the angle u had yur picture you could not see the sharks barbels so it looked like a paroon shark. Not every fish looks like the one on the site.
heres the whole excerp. I know the site u got it from and they underexagerate everything. Like saying a severum could go in a 29. Next time ask someone whos not trying to sell something.
Setting up a tank to match its natural environment will require plenty of plants and rocks. Since it grows quite large, starting with a minimum tank size of 70 gallons is recommended. As the Columbian Shark grows larger, there is a chance that the shark will eat smaller tank mates. This species prefers some aquarium salt in the water, and may also be acclimated slowly into a saltwater aquarium, as they live in both freshwater and saltwater during different times of their life


Mr. Fishy... I do my research, my sharkcats are actually know as the Columbian CatShark or West American CatShark. "A very peaceful temperment but as the

Yes maybe you have done some research on a FRESHWATER species, but have you done any research on a true SALTWATER species like a tang or a damsel.


Active Member
I think its about time we give up and let him go on killing his fish. He hired an "expert" which im sure will know more than the 10 or so of us who have replied here. Good luck Dan.


Active Member
Originally posted by DanJ
Will I need to upgrade tanks yes of course but that was always expected, to grow with my fish...but I have time. :rolleyes:
actually,no you dont have time. you ran out of time when you added the first tang.
It is not an issue at this point, and before the fish are all grown up and ready to move I will have their new home ready!!!

yes it IS an issue, which shows how much youve been listening. and by the way, its time to move them NOW
We found the clam dug down beneath the chrush coral not far from its normal location.
and one other. a basic NEWBIE mistake is using crushed coral instead of sand.


wow fine dont listen to us but the tangs need to go, they need room to swim, and sure a baby tang would be find in a 29 gal tank. BUT HE IS NOT ALONE. ONE, you have 2 tangs, not that great of an idea, tangs like to be in a large group or not in one at all, 2 are to little of a group. if you where to have just 4 baby tangs, my 55 gal wouldn’t push it long( really not at all). JUST GET THE TANGS OUT OF THERE!!! this so called expert, haha that’s funny.
Did he say they look ok?
then i guess he is right, (with this just a phone call would do it fine (to a real expert, not someone who owns a LFS) even the owners of a LFS don’t know it all. but i do know one thing...
get the 300 gal ready soon cuz with 2 tangs and some, you'll need it, and as i said before and I think it says it here on the site. TANGS TO BETTER IN LARGER GROUPS OR NONE. and what happen the two types of clownfish.... I HAVE BEEN TOLD even when going to buy, THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, THEY DONT MIX WELL)
ok kill the fish but not the sweet TANGs... take it from me and take them out