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  1. deegrimes

    I need some help guys and gals

    Ok I have and amazing amount of algae in my tank. I have read the excellent post on algae problems. It is a great post but am not sure what is going on so I thought I would run something by you and see if it could have something to do with it. I redid my tank due to a brook outbreak in my...
  2. deegrimes

    Water Changes during cycling

    Hey people I would like to know how many if any of you do water changes while cycling your tank. The first time I set up my tank I never did water changes but this time I am wondering if I should be. The tank is probably not actually gonna cycle as I have my same live rock and the pump still...
  3. deegrimes

    Start Over After 10+????

    Thanks for the input. I was unsure how the cycling would work as I have never had to do this to my tank before. Other then when I originally set it up but I thought it would be different when you have an established filter and all. A lot of work but I am sure it will be worth it in the end...
  4. deegrimes

    Start Over After 10+????

    I feel like I am starting all over again. I am by no means new to the hobby but do have a few questions. Things have changed so much since we got into this hobby 10+years ago. We have successfully had our salt water tank for as I said above 10+ years. We had no problems in our tank for...
  5. deegrimes

    HELP my fish have Bruchnellia

    I am 98%sure that it is brook. The symptoms and pics sound and look like it. I can't figure out why it hasn't affected the damsels though. I also run a 29 gallon that I have decided to put some of the live rock in and the rest of the live rock will go into the 10 and I lost my blenny...
  6. deegrimes

    HELP my fish have Bruchnellia

    yes Beth that is what I meant sorry about the error
  7. deegrimes

    HELP my fish have Bruchnellia

    Could anyone possibly tell me how long I have to run my main tank before I can add more fish. I have had a case of brooklynella in my tank and need to know how long I have to run the tank before adding more fish. I have lost all my fish except my scooter blenny and 4 blue damsels to this...