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  1. jim mcgonigle

    Larger Tanks - Is glass a problem?

    I'm sort of looking at a longer tank. Maybe one of the 72" ones. But I think I get the point that for a tank in the <200 gallon, glass is fine. Thanks.
  2. jim mcgonigle

    Larger Tanks - Is glass a problem?

    Thanks, I think I'll stay with glass. I live in MD so no earthquakes here... I just don't want to get an aquarium all perfect and have to move it.
  3. jim mcgonigle

    Larger Tanks - Is glass a problem?

    I've been looking into buying a larger tank. Something >90 and less than 180. Probably in the 120 range. I've been leaning toward a glass tank, but I've been getting advice that a 120 glass tank won't last too long because of the pressure and I should get a acrylic one. Will a 120 gallon...
  4. jim mcgonigle

    Damsel not acting right...

    The fish looks the same as always. No funny breathing or swollen gills. The fins/tail are fine as well as the color. This is the big one so he usually picks on the smaller one. The small one always runs. Could he of smashed himself against something while chasing? What else would cause...
  5. jim mcgonigle

    Damsel not acting right...

    I have a small tank (soon to be the hospital tank - No LR/LS) that has been running for over 4 months. Its had the same 2 domino damsels in it since day one. One is about 3", the other about 2". Starting Wednesday, the big one has been just drifing around swimming slowly and not eating. It...
  6. jim mcgonigle

    SaltWaterFish LR order time?

    I ordered some live rock from this site yesterday morning. How long do you find that you wait before they send your order? They said an email would be sent when that happened. I was hoping to have it in the tank before this weekend to start the process... Thanks, -Jim
  7. jim mcgonigle

    5 tangs together

    Ok, I'm new to this hobby and have learned alot on this board and by reading and talking to people. I have recently started a small tank to get some experience... Anyway, where does this 14" for a yellow tang come from? I heard 6" max. I've seen the same thing multiple times in previous posts...