Larger Tanks - Is glass a problem?

jim mcgonigle

New Member
I've been looking into buying a larger tank. Something >90 and less than 180. Probably in the 120 range.
I've been leaning toward a glass tank, but I've been getting advice that a 120 glass tank won't last too long because of the pressure and I should get a acrylic one.
Will a 120 gallon glass tank (quality brand, all glass or something) last for a long time (5+ years)?

bang guy

Stay away from the cheapo tanks and you'll be happy with glass. Above about 250 I recommend Acrylic because of the weight and thickness of the glass, but for a 120 you'll be very happy with glass.


i have a 135 and have had it for 17yrs and no problems and never has been resealed. its either a aga or greatlakes not sure.

bang guy


Originally posted by broncofish
Where do you live Jim, if it is an earthquake area, I know people like acrylic there.

Really good point and I agree.

jim mcgonigle

New Member
Thanks, I think I'll stay with glass. I live in MD so no earthquakes here...
I just don't want to get an aquarium all perfect and have to move it.

jim mcgonigle

New Member
I'm sort of looking at a longer tank. Maybe one of the 72" ones. But I think I get the point that for a tank in the <200 gallon, glass is fine.