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  1. kambiz

    how do i add a picture under my username?

    thanks a lot buddy.. hope this counts as #19!!
  2. kambiz

    how do i add a picture under my username?

    any ideas?
  3. kambiz

    ANyone out there keeping a domino damsel?

    if any of you guys has a domino damsel, please tell me what other fish do you keep with it? i am having a heck of a time trying to add a new fish. the domino is very aggressive, but he is very active and getting larger and i don't really want to yank him.. i got a 55 gal. with a couple of...
  4. kambiz

    What Fish?

    scott: how big is yor tank? how long have you had the powder blue.. i have wanted one for so long now, but am afraid of ich.. most people's perception seem to be that the tangs get ich a lot. is that something that you have ever experienced? tell me..
  5. kambiz

    What Fish?

    that's right you can use lr also for cycling.. another noteworthy thing: you may see many nice beautiful fish in the store, and want to add them to your tank.. but first, you have to do a little research into their behaviour, compatibility, and their level of sensitivity to changes to the...
  6. kambiz

    What Fish?

    to cycle, i would get something inexpensive like a couple of damsels. whatever you do, do not get a domino damsel.. they are very mean, and they will bully everyone else. don't get lots of fish at once add one every few weeks (after the tank is established) give enough time for the tank to...
  7. kambiz

    help my buddy please!!

    my gut feeling is that he has some sort of internal problem like something wrong with his swim bubble or something.. the water is tested. it's good. the other fish are doing well. my clown is the largest (6") one in the tank and has never been bullied by anyone, so i don't think that's it...
  8. kambiz

    tell me about fire gobies and wrasses

    slothy: i also have a cleaner shrimp. is that a problem for the 6 line? are they compatible?
  9. kambiz

    tell me about fire gobies and wrasses

    have been thinking about adding a fire gobi and a cleaner wrasse to my 55 gal. i am wondering if my domino damsel will get along with them. the domino is pretty aggressive. when i first got him, he killed my green chromis. are wrasses and gobies fast swimmers? are they smart? can they hide...
  10. kambiz

    help my buddy please!!

    i have had this sri lankan clown for 7 months now, he is the biggest fish in my 55 gal. i was away for a couple of days, and when my friend droped by to feed my fish, he noticed that the clown was on the bottom of the tank, lying on its side, still breathing and alive but not very active.. it's...
  11. kambiz

    Mean Domino Damsel..

    thought about taking him back.. but just couldn't do it.. besides, returning him won't bring my chromis and cardinal back.. so i am think of adding a large tomato clown next month.. would like to make the tank into a semi aggressive tank, would love to add a trigger for example.. but don't...
  12. kambiz

    Eheim Professioinal Series II ?

    hey alex.. don't know much about the eheim pro II, but here what i do know: when i was looking for filters (last winter) i considered the eheim pro II but it was very expensive so, i decided to go with eheim 2213 and a large penguin biowheel that i already had for my 55 gal. the combination...
  13. kambiz

    Mean Domino Damsel..

    I have a 55 gal. Used to have a sri lankan clown (largest one in the tank), a couple of green chromi, a pijama cardinal, some crabs and shrimps.. last week i added a domino damsel, mainly because i had one before and liked how active he was.. always swimming in and out of the lr.. well, for the...
  14. kambiz

    why do my diamond gobies keep jumping out of my 55 gal?

    i have a bunch of hermit crabs, a large sri lankan clown, a large pijama cardinal, a large cleaner shrimp in with about 60 lbs of live rock. the tank has been runing since march and the water is good (i do regular water changes every 2 wks as well as usual tests). i tried adding a diamond gobi...
  15. kambiz

    ANYONE?! (1) Nitrate Treatment - (2) Quarantine

    1) have you guys used AZ-NO3 (absolute zero nitrates) or kent marine's nitrate reducer? do they really work? which one is better? 2) do sand sifters (e.g. diamond gobies) and sea stars have to be quarantined before introduction to a home tank just like other fish? <a...
  16. kambiz

    Complete Wipe Out.. Now: What fish to get?

    ok.. so what hardy and colourful fish do you recommend? assuming i am planning to run a quarantine first? have always liked triggers, but i don't want to take a chance with my cleaner shrimp. i have had HER for about a year now, and she is HUGE.. she actually laid a lot of eggs once, but all the...
  17. kambiz

    Complete Wipe Out.. Now: What fish to get?

    i have had a 55 gal for about 4 months now. lots of live rock.. before that, i was running a 25 gal. with just a couple of damsels and clowns in it.. 7 weeks ago, i decided to add a beautiful butterfly to the tank. i watched him for a couple of days in the store to make sure he was ok.. i did...
  18. kambiz

    Should I get a tang for my 55 Gal.

    i have had a 55 gal for about 4 months now. before that, i was running a 25 gal. with just a couple of damsels and a clown in it.. 7 weeks ago, i decided to add a beautiful butterfly to the tank. i watched him for a couple of days in the store to make sure he was ok.. i did not quarantine him...