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  1. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    Tank update! This tank is now fully stocked. I'm gonna hold off on the mandarin for a while. I'm moving, and hopefully upgrading to at least a 55 or 75 gallon tank, next summer so I'll wait until then to start adding pods to the refugium. I'll use the current 29 gallon as the fuge on the upgrade...
  2. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    I don't have to wait anymore. Hermit crab died yesterday. Honestly, I'm surprised he lasted this long. He was the first thing I put in my tank. He's been through a 6 hour move, 2 tank upgrades, and outlasted 4 fish! I'll pick up 3 new hermits this weekend and look at adding another fish or two...
  3. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    I'll wait for my stupid hermit to switch shells first. His has had a hole for about three months now. It's nearly a centimeter in diameter! There's 7 empty shells for him to switch to, he just won't. I can see his body. I don't want one of the newer ones to see it too and seize the opportunity...
  4. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    Ok. Current plan is: 1 perc clown 1 coral beauty 1 royal gramma 1 Midas blenny And 1 mandarin in December or early January. Sound good? For CUC I have 1 red hermit, 7-8 turbo snails, and I saw a serpent star that came on my LR. So I likely have more of them too. I was thinking about adding...
  5. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    I looked at scooter blennies but since they also eat pods I don't want to pt them both in just a 29 gallon tank. Maybe in my next upgrade. I'm looking at a 100 gallon.
  6. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    I think the coral is my best option. I've had a 10 gallon set up for 8 months. About a month ago I upgraded to the 29 gallon and kept the same sand, rocks, and filters. I've got lots o pods and am very strict about tank maintenance. I have about 35 pounds of live rock and 2-3 inches of live...
  7. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    The LFS has a potters angelfish. He's so beautiful! But more difficult to keep. I think I'll stick with the coral beauty.
  8. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    I've fallen in love with the dwarf angels. So either a flame or a coral beauty. I'm still deciding between the two. I'll probably go with the coral beauty because it's $25 cheaper. I still can't bring myself to spend $50 on a fish, no matter how gorgeous it may be. Than a royal gramma and a...
  9. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    What about a Midas Blenny instead of the firefish or clown goby?
  10. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon stocking help

    Hey,all! I have a 29 gallon tank that's rather lifeless at the moment. Currently I have 1 perc clown, 1 red hermit, and 8 turbo snails. I'm going to add a mandarin around Christmas. I have to build up a pod population first. I was thinking of adding a firefish, a clown goby, and either a dwarf...
  11. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    My third firefish disappeared! I searched everywhere in and out of the tank. He's gone. I'll get another one and a yellow clown goby whenever I can get to the LFS. I'll also get the powerhrad, j tubes, LR and chaeto I need to set up the fuge. Hopefully I'll have it set up before spring break and...
  12. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    LFS will get clown gobys on Friday. I'll stop by this weekend and get him.
  13. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    I'm going to the LFS today to get the supplies to set up my refugium. I'll also get a clown goby if they have any today.
  14. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    I'm gonna hold off in the sump for a bit. I'm planning on getting a 55 gallon so I'll use the 29 as the sump for that. I know, already planning the next upgrade. I'm am addict. My old 10 gallon is going to be a refugium so I can have a mandarin in December. I'll set it up this week. As for...
  15. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    Which of these would work best? Stock 1: 1 black percula clownfish 1 firefish 1 mandarin dragonet 1 yellow clown goby 1 coral beauty Stock 2: 1 black percula clownfish 1 firefish 1 mandarin dragonet 1 yellow clown goby 1 flame angel Stock 3: 1 black percula clownfish 1 firefish 1 mandarin...
  16. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    I've got my heart set on that mandarin. Won't a flame angel compete for food? I don want to get a fish that isn't compatible with the mandarin.
  17. nikkifro8994

    Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

    So I added 3 firefish a week ago because my LFS said they do better in groups. I came home yesterday to find one nearly dead fish who had obviously been attacked. One was happily swimming about with my clownfish and the third is MIA. I've searched under every rock and all around the tank on the...
  18. nikkifro8994

    29 gallon CUC?

    I have a 29 gallon FOWLR that I will be adding corals to in about a month. I recently upgrade from a 10 gallon and now I need to build up my cleanup crews with some reef safe inverts. Livestock: 1 perc clown 3 firefish 1 red hermit 8 turbo snails I'm going to add a mandarin around Christmas. I...
  19. nikkifro8994

    Setting up Fuge for mandarin dragonet.

    Ok. First I have to build a custom stand to get the surfaces at the same height.
  20. nikkifro8994

    Setting up Fuge for mandarin dragonet.

    Ok. 50 gph powerhead in the refugium with an airline from the display. J tubes connecting the tanks. Tops of tanks level. Fuge has LR rubble, chaeto, and 2 bottles of pods. Does it need a light and, if so, should it run constantly, with the display, or opposite the display?