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  1. nikkifro8994

    How to add a sump?

    So I've been doing some reading on sumps and I think it would be a good addition to my 10 gallon FOWLR tank. I'll be moving at the end of August so that's when I want to add the sump. I figure it will be easier to do then because the tank will be empty except for the sand. That way I won't have...
  2. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    The power head should be here this week. I won't be replacing the clownfish. So I'll keep my little nemo in his 10 gallon tank until I can afford to upgrade. I'm moving at the end of August so I didn't have any extra money at the moment. I will definitely save up to get a 20 gallon tank for him...
  3. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    I made sure the tank was fully cycled before I added the fish. I used live rock from my lfs that was already cured. I also used filter media from tanks that have been established for 2 years. I added some ammonia like you would for a fish less cycle. On the first day it was processed in less...
  4. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    Test results: Temp: 77 Ph: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 40 Salinity: 1.022
  5. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    Edit: repeat post
  6. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    They never fought once. And I won't be adding any fish until I am sure that the male clown will be ok. Then I'm thinkin of adding a yellow clown goby or a fire fish.
  7. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    The LFS told me that my filter would create enough flow and id isn't need a power head. I bought this one so go in my water change bucket. I have a 5 gallon bucket with new salt water that has a airstone to mix it. The power head will work better.
  8. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    I just tested the water. Waiting on the results. I ordered the Rio Plus 50 Aqua Pump - 69 GPH.
  9. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    I have 5 large pieces of LR. My power head is on the way. It should be here this week. I did a 20% and 2 40% water changes yesterday. I need to go to the LFS before I can do another.
  10. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    I have 5 large pieces of LR. My power head is on the way. It should be here this week. I did a 20% and 2 40% water changes yesterday. I need to go to the LFS before I can do another.
  11. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    Occellaris clowns. The female was 2" and the male is 1"
  12. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    I had 2 clowns, 1 red hermit crab, and some turbo snails. The female clown died last night.
  13. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    The dwarf puffer was freshwater. A 10 gallon tank is plenty big for them. And my clowns never fought.
  14. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    The tank is 10 gallons with a filter for a 40 gallon tank. I use carribsea sand for substrate. When I left for work this morning the male seemed to be doing fine. I'll check on him when I get home this afternoon.
  15. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    Don't do 100% water change.  That is extremely stressful for everything you have in the tank.  Is your tank new, did something else die?  What size tank do you have?  How long has it been set up?  Do you have live rock, live sand?  What filters do you use? Also, were the clowns a mated pair? The...
  16. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?
  17. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    The tank has been set up for a little less than a year. It previously housed a dwarf puffer. I have no idea where the ammonia or nitrates came from. the tank is 10 gallons. Small, I know. But I am very strict with testing and water changes. I was out of town for a bit so it didn't get changed...
  18. nikkifro8994

    Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?

    She died. I got home at 8:00 tonight and she was just sitting by the filter, breathing heavily. Her gills were swollen and she couldn't move. 10 minutes later she was gone and the snails were on her. When I left at 5:30 she looked ok, she was just swimming weird. I got home at 8 and she was...
  19. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    I have no idea where the water levels came from. I've had them for about a month. Normally when I mix water I let it run for 2 days. This was an emergency and I didn't have enough already mixed, only enough for a 20% change.
  20. nikkifro8994

    Sick clownfish. Dropsy?

    She died. I got home at 8:00 tonight and she was just sitting by the filter, breathing heavily. Her gills were swollen and she couldn't move. 10 minutes later she was gone and the snails were on her. When I left at 5:30 she looked ok, she was just swimming weird. I got home at 8 and she was...