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  1. jrbarker


    Hello everyone, I just received a 18-24 INCH MARINELAND REEF LED LIGHT FIXTURE in the mail today. I was wondering what every ones thoughts are on it. The Goods The Bads and the Uglies. Just alittle Tank INFO for you all. I have a 29 Gallon Tank. I run a Fluval 405 Filter and a couple of power...
  2. jrbarker

    To Much Filter?

    The tank is a reef tank. I have a few mushrooms, a leather and some zoos. but I am looking for more stuff as I go. That is why I am looking for more filtration and flow. I do have two powerheads in there right now but I would have no clue right now what they are rated for. I have had them for...
  3. jrbarker

    To Much Filter?

    Alright that is what i was wondering about. I guess it is always confusing when I read about a filter that says it is good for a tank up to a certain gallon. So what would you look for in optimum output of gph in a filter for a 29 gallon tank.
  4. jrbarker

    To Much Filter?

    Originally Posted by spanko I'm sorry what is the new filter you are looking at? I have not picked a specific filter yet just wanting a better filter that the hang on the back style. I was looking for more of a canister style filter. Knowing if I can actually do this will help me to know if I...
  5. jrbarker

    To Much Filter?

    I currently have a 29 Gallon tank with a HOB filter. I am in the process of convincing my wife that I need a bigger fish tank I am thinking about 70 gallon right now. But at this time I would just like to upgrade the filter for the tank that I have set up. I would eventually like to put the new...
  6. jrbarker

    I amnew and I am about to buy a 200 gallon tank

    hello there. I used alot of 5 gallon buckets when I moved my tank. Just put a heater and powerhead in the buckets with the fish and critters and they should be fine. I had mine in buckets for a day before i could get all of my stuff set back up and clear.
  7. jrbarker

    Ammonia Rising

    Originally Posted by Fibinotchi You probably won't want the damsel fish once you get into the hobby anyways. I'm not an expert but I have heard they can be aggressive to other fish and should be added last. Correct me if I am wrong damsel experts. I just got rid of my four stripe damsel cause...
  8. jrbarker

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Originally Posted by socal57che Chime in if you followed Guy's link and spent the 30 seconds it took to download that manual. (guilty) I clicked on it.
  9. jrbarker

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Marine Corp Common Skills Handbook I highly recommend this for your good Marine. Good thing I am not trying to raise one of those in my tank I would be in some trouble! My tank is way to small for them!
  10. jrbarker

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Originally Posted by Scopus Tang Here are some additional suggestions as well. thanks for that link i will look for those books tonight! any and all knowledge i can learn from reading them will be helpful.
  11. jrbarker

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 Both great suggestions! Avoid, at all costs, "*****'S Guide to Saltwater Fishkeeping" (sub-titled: "Hey, we didn't say keeping them ALIVE".) Good to know that is the only saltwater place close to me. Thanks for the heads up!
  12. jrbarker

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Cool thanks for the link.
  13. jrbarker

    Good Marine Book suggestions?

    Hello out there I am going to the LFS tonight and am wondering if anyone can suggest some well rounded books to help me out. I am mostly into keeping fish and some of the more easy and basic corals. Nothing super special but enough to keep me interested. Ryan
  14. jrbarker

    snails at top of glass

    No problems you helped me out alot. i knew it was somthing simple just was not sure how to fix it. Thanks again for all your help
  15. jrbarker

    snails at top of glass

    Alright sounds good I will have to start investigating what is causing the increase in ammonia. I have a 29 Gallon Tank. There is about 30 LBS of LR in there as well. Thanks For Your Help.
  16. jrbarker

    snails at top of glass

    right now i only have the reef package Dwarf White Leg Hermit Crabs 20 Blueleg Hermit Crab 20 Porcelain Crab 1/ this died Coral Banded Shrimp 1 Emerald Crab 5 Turbo/Astrea Snail 20 /5 died Cleaner Clam 2 Nassarius Snail 10 and 1 yellowtailed blue damsel i used to have a black and...
  17. jrbarker

    snails at top of glass

    so i have a few questions for you out there. i bought a reef package from swf and the most of the snails are just hanging around the top of the water line. some of them are going around the glass but most of them are not. i also have lost about 5 out of the twenty of them. for what ever reason...
  18. jrbarker

    white-clear little shrimp looking things?

    alright cool thanks for the help and information. again this web site has helped with the wealth of knowledge on here. thank you again, ryan
  19. jrbarker

    white-clear little shrimp looking things?

    thank you for the info. i am relieved to hear that it is somethign that i don't really have to worry about. is there anything i can do or should do to get ride of them or should i jus leave them alone and not worry about them? thanks again. ryan
  20. jrbarker

    white-clear little shrimp looking things?

    so i went to my parents house for the night last night for easter and did not get to turn on my lights this morning, but when i came home tonight i turned it on and saw all these little shrimp looking thins on the the rocks running all over my rock and sand. and now for the sad thing is i have...