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  1. kindaobsessed

    Where did the Feather Duster go?

    Well, all is well again today. After a couple of days the little bugger popped up right next to his sibling. One question; when they're halfway buried in the sand what is the best way to move them if you have to re-aquascape?
  2. kindaobsessed

    Where did the Feather Duster go?

    For some reason, my clown took a curious peck at one of my feather dusters. Most of the tube was submerged into the sand but, apparantly it shed its tube as it flopped over when the duster got frightened. I'm guessing it fully fled into the sand. Is this a normal occurrence and will it reappear...
  3. kindaobsessed

    Setup for 46gallon Bowfront

    Hello, This site has helped educate me tremendously on the saltwater hobby and my 12g Nano DX is doing very well. I also have a 46g bowfront cichlid tank that started me in the fish biz...Its time to convert to saltwater. However, it isn't reef ready, and I'm nervous about installing a HOB...
  4. kindaobsessed

    Aquapod first impressions

    yeah, i was hoping it was set up to hear the fans--i read your posts mentioning the noise. as mentioned, i was impressed with the size. guess it will take a while to see what people think after a sufficient number are used and time to see what quirks occur. i really want to see how the 24 gallon...
  5. kindaobsessed

    Aquapod first impressions

    Saw an Aquapod 12 gallon today at an LFS and these are my initial observations: Keep in mind it was empty with no water, lights, or pump running. By the way, I was honestly hoping the Pod would've knocked my socks off. 1. The tank looks significantly larger than my 12 gallon JBJ Nano--taller and...
  6. kindaobsessed

    Crazy live rock question

    Thanks again for the excellent responses. Since I won't be using the rock anytime soon, I'll just box it up and reincarnate them later--and remember to use the tossed tank water.
  7. kindaobsessed

    Crazy live rock question

    Good point on using the tossed water...One more thing: How often would you change the water in the rock seeding tub? Can't imagine much of a bioload until things start growing. Even then, w/o fish or corals it probably needn't change that frequenty? Guess just check ammonia levels... Again...
  8. kindaobsessed

    Crazy live rock question

    Got a good powerhead in it...and the temp is fine. The rock unfortunately is pretty dead...maybe some tube worms inside the rock but not much else. I don't mind waiting since its doing nothing anyway. Just wasn't sure how to seed it is all. One rock has some nice coraline and macroalgae...
  9. kindaobsessed

    Crazy live rock question

    I have some left over rock from a previous shipment. Unfortunately, its been awhile and most all the good stuff has died off. Only have a nano so there's no room for the extra rock. If I put it in a rubbermaid tub, keep the salinity at a normal level, and put a good light over it, will the rock...
  10. kindaobsessed

    Wierd wormlike appendage

    I have a 7 month 12g Nanocube with 2 hairy mushrooms. Last night, a long, brown, slender "thing" was coming out of one shroom. It broke off and dissolved. About an hour later, the other shroom emitted one. It would grow some 4-5 inches before breaking off. The water parameters are fine. So, what...
  11. kindaobsessed

    Not Clowning Around!

    Other tank inhabitants--One clown left, a skunk cleaner shrimp, and various hermits and snails. By the way, is the surviving mated clown okay when its mate perishes?
  12. kindaobsessed

    Not Clowning Around!

    I have a 12g Nano Cube up for 6 weeks. Water parameters are great: no ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, ph 8.2, temp 79, salinity 1.024, 10% changes weekly, alk 125... I've tried two pairs false-perc clowns. First pair--juveniles--the smaller clown died in two weeks. He might have been picked...
  13. kindaobsessed

    RO/DI alternative

    Thanks Reefnut for the reply. That is kinda what I was thinking....Now, what is better DI or distilled? I can get distilled for .52 per gallon at Walmart. Rick
  14. kindaobsessed

    Woo Hoo A Nano For Xmas!!

    I put a minijet 606 in like a charm and fits nicely in the 3rd chamber. Just remember to adjust the flow to high...goes to 156gph flow rate....and very quiet as well...
  15. kindaobsessed

    RO/DI alternative

    Anyone have experience using this tap water filtration device? I like Dr Foster's stuff, but wanted to see if anyone has tried this. http://www.**************.com/produc...4&N=2004+22789 Seems like a decent price, but, like almost everything in this hobby, if its too good to be true.....I have a...
  16. kindaobsessed

    Saw a great reef idea!

    Also stayed in the Royal Towers. Yeah, those slides are great....especially the one that drops 60 ft straight down. What a rush!
  17. kindaobsessed

    Saw a great reef idea!

    More than live rock?
  18. kindaobsessed

    Saw a great reef idea!

    Just got back from an amazing resort in the Bahamas called Atlantis. It has the worlds largest man made aquarium 11.7 MILLION GALLONS! Everything imaginable. Anyway, saw they had a great idea to start a large reef tank. They used square brick blocks to raise the reef and some live rock on...
  19. kindaobsessed

    good fish combinations

    been reading up on starting a salt water tank. i'll probably design a FOWLR & LS when i decide to pull the trigger. can't find any literature on what a good stocking combo would be for a 90 to 120 gallon tank. it was easy to find combos for freshwater. or, is there no real good recipe for...
  20. kindaobsessed

    Interesting debate--would like feedback

    i've had cichilds for two years now and have grown somewhat tired of them. was seriously thinking of getting into the realm of $alt Water fish. the following was a reply in another forum that i'd like you to see. tell me what you think. [hr] This will no doubt spark the age-old debate...