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  1. kindaobsessed

    Sand problems?

    if you use live sand, what do you rinse it with before putting it in the tank? or if no fish are there, do you merely wait for it to settle?
  2. kindaobsessed

    lbs of live rock per gallon?

    is the ratio of 1-1.5lbs per gallon also pertain to the depth of a dsb? i've read that 3-4 inch dsb is a desirable depth. again, thank you for the replies. this is a great site and i've turned many people on to it
  3. kindaobsessed

    lbs of live rock per gallon?

    wondering what the ratio is for amount of live rock per gallon. have heard 1 lb. per 10 gallons, 1 lb. per 5 gallons...etc. please clue me in. also, is it cost worthy to mix live rock with regular rock (which will seed eventually i guess) and live and non-live sand to save money. many thanks in...
  4. kindaobsessed

    making your own live rock?

    okay. don't laugh, but an lfs told me that you can make your own live rock by simply adding calcium to the water. soungs too good to be true.
  5. kindaobsessed

    starting a new tank

    i might be a little worried if you had difficulty with cichlids since they're pretty hardy fish. i too am thinking about going into the world of salt water. have kept cichlids for over a year now. they're fun and colorful for fresh water, but whenever i go into the lfs, my eyes are immediately...
  6. kindaobsessed

    what's the worst mistake you ever made?

    never forget my first huge mistake in the fish biz. my son had a lone cichlid in a 10 gal. the water looked like pea soup. so we changed it. all of it. the fish looked happy at first, then freaked out. so we put it back in the crappy water. he probably began thinking this is what fish hell is...
  7. kindaobsessed

    what's the worst mistake you ever made?

    as a newbie, its important (and less costly) if you're able to learn from the experienced hobbiest. so, i'm curious as to what the biggest mistake(s) you folks have made in this hobby? inquiring minds wanna know. thanks in advance :)
  8. kindaobsessed

    benefits/liabilities of eco-system filters

    this seems kinda intriguing since it states you don't need a skimmer. what's miracle mud, how available is it, and how costly is it?:confused:
  9. kindaobsessed

    what is a refugium used for?

    i'm nearly ready to change out from a fw to sw fowlr tank. was wondering what a refugium is used for? it isn't a quarantine tank is it? thanks in advance...:)
  10. kindaobsessed

    Emperor 400

    also, it helps to put a prefilter around the intake grate. i just use some filter pads you can buy at the lfs, cut it to size, and wrap around intake grate with a rubber band. it certainly makes the expensive pads inside the filter last longer
  11. kindaobsessed

    best looking background???

    i too went to a hobby store and got a board with felt-like material thats dark blue. the felt adds some dimension to the background. i also like the fact its not permanent since i like to change things up from time to time. using strips of velcro is a good choice to stick the board to the tank.
  12. kindaobsessed

    typical question: going from fresh to salt water

    i've been an avid cichlid hobbiest for over a year now. i got it down pretty well and have a nicely stocked tank with a great combo of fish. of course there's always the next step to salt water. i've done alot of reading, but realistically, how difficult is it to start a salt water tank with...
  13. kindaobsessed

    Water changes

    do most of you mix your own salt water or just refill your containers at an lfs?