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  1. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    Thanks so much, you know when I hired a new caretaker of my tank he and his mother (owner of the LFS) said this tank will be so beautiful once it gets right, (2 weeks ago) now she is trying to get me to go larger. I am content with what I have and will keep it. I will invest in this test kit...
  2. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    Only Tetra marine granules, and the inverts Kent Microvert. This tank was dumped in my lap by my niece who bought a larger tank (she needed the money) So I was stuck and did not realize what it was all about and as stated earlier I am learning the hard way. I was thinking of adding fresh...
  3. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    You bet, after every application I do a dip test strip all levels are ideal, They did recommend that on the instructions so after about 5 minutes I test every time, Every thing shows Ideal on the test strip.
  4. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    Both PJ's were eating at LFS (2 weeks ago when purchased) as was the Royal, the last two or three feedings the smallest PJ stopped eating but the Royal was still doing well as of Thursday, today the gramma is hidden in one of the little caves I created with LR still alive but not even interested...
  5. captainmj

    real quick ich question

    I quit trusting everything told to me by my LFS, I mentioned the Stop Parasite product to the store owner on Wednesday and she said "My customers won't use anything that you have to refrigerate" Give me a break, if the product works which it does! Why not. My tank is definately worth saving so...
  6. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    Again thanks for your recommendations on the Stop Parasite, seems to be working, I did lose my small PJ but he has not been eating so I was not suprised to find him a goner. My question is after the treatment is complete do I do a 10% water change like the other reef safe products, it does not...
  7. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    Thanks so much I can't believe I missed that!
  8. captainmj

    Ick Attack?

    I added one new fish (Royal Gramma) about 3 days before this started showing up, acclimated by drip 1 1/2 hours, it just seems I can't get away from this ick, tank went for 4 weeks with no fish, did a 50% water change, I get my water tested at LFS every week all levels are perfect, I did a dip...
  9. captainmj

    Lion Crazz you here?

    I am so blind without my reading glasses and I read the directions wrong on my Stop Parasite! I started administering on Tuesday only to realize I am suppose to administer twice a day, I have only been doing it once. So the last three days I have been giving only 1 dose, any suggestions...
  10. captainmj

    medication for ich???????

    It has been mentioned numerous times on this board to use Stop Parasite, I just bought some yesterday (had to have LFS order it in) Just started treatment yesterday on reef tank as 3 of my fish have Ick, 5 day treatment I hope it works.
  11. captainmj

    Happy Vac are you here?

    I am running a Power Glo 40 watt in my tank. :happyfish
  12. captainmj

    Happy Vac you still here

    Thanks, yesterday he asked me for some info, just wanted to pass it on.
  13. captainmj

    What is growing on my live rock?

    Thanks I will give that a try this evening.
  14. captainmj

    What is growing on my live rock?

    Will this bubble algae hurt anything, what do I do about it if so?
  15. captainmj

    What is growing on my live rock?

    Bang Guy, could be looked black to me but could be very dark green due to lighting in the tank, I am running a Power Glo 40 watt.
  16. captainmj

    Show Pics of Your Nano

    My Nano tank is coming, I am starting one for my desk at work! Yeah!!!!! May be another week or two, planning on one small anenome, percula clown and blue devil damsel, live rock of course.
  17. captainmj

    What is growing on my live rock?

    Last night I noticed something unusual on my live rock, just one, a completely round black shiny thing? Have not a clue, was not moving or anything it is 3/8" truly completely round and very shiny......any ideas? Can not get a clear pic, to small.
  18. captainmj

    Happy Vac you still here

    Are you maybe here today? :happyfish
  19. captainmj

    Pics of new Percula & Host

    Was so thrilled that my new Percula took right to this Anenome, first time I have gotten a clown to take to a anenome. Hope this pic comes out okay. Okay it did not show up, hmmmm. It won't let me sorry says file to large. :notsure:
  20. captainmj

    Happy Vac you still here

    My light in my tank is a Power Glo 40 watt. I also have a Marine Glo 40 Watt that I have not used.