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  1. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by alyssia I've read on here that tangs shouldn't be introduced to a tank until it is at least 6 months old. I got one when my tank was pretty new and it died within days. So I got another one (didn't know this wasn't a good idea at the time), it made it just fine. Tangs are...
  2. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    changed it to my reef tank about 3 weeks ago but has been up for about 2 months. its a 55 gal. I dont know how long he was at the store but he was fes before I got him and I watched him eat in the tank. The rocks I put in the tank were from my 30 gal that I want to make a seahorse tank out of...
  3. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    I bought a yellow tang on Sun. Acclimated him and he did great Sun and Monday. Woke up this morning and he layed down when I looked at him. Did a water test and everything is fine. A-0 nitrites-0 nitrates 10-20 ph 8.2. Clowns algea blenny and peppermint shrimp are fine. So are anenamea and...
  4. jsofield

    True Or False?????

    How can youtell the differance between true and false perculas? Just bought what I thought to be a mate for my false and I am not sure if they are both false perculas? One has black seperating his white and orange the other doesnt? Any real way to know and will they cohabitat if they are differant?
  5. jsofield

    Help With My New Clown

    [hr] I bought a false percula last night and after acclimating him he went straght to the top corner of my tank and has stayed there. He looks fine and seems to be breathing ok. He Just stays at the top corner of my tank swimming in about a 1 inch square? Is this normal and how much time should...
  6. jsofield

    Help With My New Clown

    I have 2 condi anenemes 1 algea blenny 2 serpent stars and 2 pepermint shrimp and some corals.
  7. jsofield

    Help With My New Clown

    I bought a false percula last night and after acclimating him he went straght to the top corner of my tank and has stayed there. He looks fine and seems to be breathing ok. He Just stays at the top corner of my tank swimming in about a 1 inch square? Is this normal and how much time should I...
  8. jsofield

    Question about Nitrates and my tank?

    how deep should your sand be? I was told anything above 1-2 inches is a waste of money?
  9. jsofield

    Help with NITRATES

    lots of questions. first I was told to take the pack out of the whisper. I have a sponge and a charcoal pack in it now.I have live sand. power compact. Yes I used tap water. (FOUND OUT TO LATE)using R/O now. Tank is 3 months old. I thought damsels killed my 3 peppermint shrimp and emerald but...
  10. jsofield

    Question about Nitrates and my tank?

    I am new to this what is aDSB and where do I get one. My Nitrates are high as well. did 3 50 % water changes and cant get below 10-20ppm
  11. jsofield

    Help with NITRATES

    I have a 30 gallon tank and it has cyled. I noticed that nitrates started going up. Mylfs said to do a water change and I did. Nitrates did not come down and they were still going up. about 80-100ppm. Was only doing 10%water changes. I was told to try larger waterchanges so I have now done 3...