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  1. jsofield

    Tiny Starfish In My Tankgood Or Bad????

    from the archives they look like the white bristtle stars. Not the sea stars. Thank you very much. they arein my refugium and main tank. I like them they are "cute".
  2. jsofield

    Tiny Starfish In My Tankgood Or Bad????

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Do you have a reef tank? Look up astenria stars and see if they look like them. yes it is a reef. Could not find the stars you suggested?
  3. jsofield

    Tiny Starfish In My Tankgood Or Bad????

    I have about 15-20 (that I am seeing) tiny starfish in my tank. They have 5 white arms with a dark body. Are these baby serpents or brittle stars? I have heard of a pest starfish that fits this description. Should I let them go or try to get them out???
  4. jsofield

    Pics Of My Tank

    Originally Posted by jsofield Just thought I would share a few pics. Wife went camera crazy this am. another pic
  5. jsofield

    ? for Frogspawn owners...

    Is breaking off a head the only way to frag?
  6. jsofield

    New Frogspawn

    Originally Posted by jsofield Wife is trying now. It was sold to my buddy as Hammer. I knew that was wrong. Through some research the only thing I have found close was "Branching Frogspawn". If I am wrong would love to know what I have. I like it anyway but just want to make sure I take care of...
  7. jsofield

    New Frogspawn

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox Looking at the tics, I'm not sure that is progspawn. It looks more like frog than anything else i can think of, but do you think you can get a close up so we can be sure? Not doubting you, just want to make sure you got the right thing. Wife is trying now. It...
  8. jsofield

    Pics Of My Tank

    Just thought I would share a few pics. Wife went camera crazy this am.
  9. jsofield

    New Frogspawn

    Got this branching frogspawn a week ago. He seems to be doing really well. I got him from a friend that had 6heads on one piece so we snapped this piece off. Was curios about the 2 pices on this one with no coral in it. Can I just break them off or is it better to just leave it alone. It looks...
  10. jsofield

    what is wrong with frogspawn??

    Thanks for the info. Since I have had him he opens daily and closes at night(just like he should..LOL) I have fed my tank live brine shrimp not sure if he got any or not but I have noticed the stray or feeder tenacles have gone in and he looks alot better than when I first got it. i am trying to...
  11. jsofield

    what is wrong with frogspawn??

    Originally Posted by lbaskball I keep my frogspawn near the top of the tank. And it is doing fine, but I did notice that is the water quality is low, they dont like it. Also make sure your friend is feeding it and that its not getting direct current. I just got a pice of frogspawn from a...
  12. jsofield

    6-line wrasse vs coral banded shrimp

    Thanks for the info. Through more research and these posts I have added a six line wrass. I like it alot. He is constantly on the go through my rocks and looks reaaly cool. The bristle worms I know are benificial but just had too many and didnt want to wait till I lost coral to do something...
  13. jsofield

    6-line wrasse vs coral banded shrimp

    I have a 55 galreef tank that I am starting up. Been up for about 3 months. Have a yellow tang 2 clowns algea blenny 2 peppermint shrimp and some corals.(zoos ricordia mushrooms zenias and a growing star pollap.) I have noticed alot of bristleworms and dont know which would be better to get rid...
  14. jsofield

    Pulsing Xenia Propagation Experiment

    I just got 3 frags of zenia from a friend. Was talking to lfs and she said she uses super glue. I tried the net and thought I was squishing it to much so I tried the super glue. What I did was put a SMALL drop of glue to a shell and placedthe shell next to a ledge on one of my rocks where I want...
  15. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by Pallan i like watching my fish at the LFS for about a week to two. problem is alot of times they are sold by that time but if not im pretty sure they will be alright and any issues will have happened by then. Recently have discovered a private LFS that quarentines new...
  16. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by alyssia You can use a bucket that has never, and will never, be used for anything else. Make sure you put a heater in the bucket to keep the temp from getting too cold. I wouldn't reuse the water. So after the acclimation just net the fish and put him in. by dumping the...
  17. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by alyssia I think most people on here advise using the drip method. It can be different for different fish though, some need longer acclimation than others. I acclimated my yellow tang and kole tang for about 3 hours. With the drip method I have only read about it. I read...
  18. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by alyssia You should acclimate for much longer using the drip method. Have done alot of checking with 3 lfs and several people. I cant believe how many differant ways they acclimate.Everything from just temp acclimate and release to 3+ hours. I dont want to keep killing...
  19. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang Not true. It could mean you have low O2 levels, high nitrites, a gill infection, ich, or a long list of other infections...............or stressed from acclimation. Please watch blanket statments such as these. Hard breathing does NOT point to ONE type of problem...
  20. jsofield

    Woke Up To Dying Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by Pallan i know people worry about the hardiness of tangs but in my very limited experience they have been the hardiest of my fish. my problem is dwarf angels any way to your issue just to know id ask the LFS how long he had been in the store. If he just got there and then you...