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  1. gootz


    What are the and are they harmful? Also how can I get rid of them cause there are hundreds of them
  2. gootz


    I looked into my tank(46 bow) and I saw these "tiny white bugs" in my tank. There absolutly everywhere. I only have about 15-20lbs of live rock but I have to say there hundreds of these little pods.
  3. gootz

    Help!eel wont eat

    try got my eel to eat....take a steril stick (a shiskabob stick) etc. and poke the food with it. Now put it near your eels face almost taunting him with it. he should quickly take it. After all you did get one of the hardest and tedious eels to to take care of. Their survival rate is...
  4. gootz

    can i use this rock?

    hey wats up todd I had the 'slate' in my first saltwater tank. Not 110% sure but I think you can use it without no problems Frankie
  5. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    Don't want to be stubborn.... Thank you everyone who helped me out you guys are life savers
  6. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    Thanks ophiura for helping me out. You helped me out a lot!!! I will keep you posted to tell you how everything turns out. Thanks again Frankie
  7. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    are u still there?
  8. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    No the bioballs are fine without debris. But at the bottom of the wet/dry there is some slight debris. I did have a feeding ring in my tank, is that what you mean by "sink" What medicine do you prefer? And also should i use Cycle in my tank??
  9. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    ph,alk,salinity are all fine. Did really 2 fish (my clown trigger and my mexican dragon) max out my bioload. I just can't come to sense how they could do that The last good testing I had was a month or a little more. since then the ammonia went crazy. i can't think of nothing that I did to...
  10. gootz

    Is my LFS Correct?

    My only question is how much lr and ls do you have?? IMO if your not going to run a filter you should have 1-2 pounds of lr per gallon
  11. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    Abou the test kits. They are not bad. All my readings are perfectly normal except for ammonia so of course after the water changes i made i thought it was possibly the test kit. However i was proven wrong when my friend tested his water with the same kit and his readings were fine. I do a 25%...
  12. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    So basically i have to recycle my tank for a month or two???Also I was told that the blue square shape sponge at the bottom of my wet/dry should never be removed. Should I be changing that monthly. Thanks for helping me, I deeply appreciate it.:D
  13. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    No i haven't cleaned out my filter. i was told never to remove the bioballs from my wet/dry and never to clean it. To you suggest I clean it out.
  14. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    no the amount of lr doesnt matter, i have a wet dry and in my opinion there one of the best biological filters but thanks.Usinkit. I did already 3 10% changes and one 25% change. Wouldn't doin the 50% take out to much of cycled water??? Also I would think also an ammonia spike like that would...
  15. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    can anyone please help me out with this?!?!
  16. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    salty u still there'??
  17. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    ok thanx ill look into, but i do not understand how i overloaded the system.Please describe in detail what you are talking about and should I empty the water and restart my tank.?????????????????????????????????????????????????:notsure: :confused:
  18. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    About the live rock not to sure its about 20lbs of tonga deep lr. No i do not have a deep sand bed its only 2-3 inches. I really dont know what it can be, if been reading for hours but can't find anything.
  19. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    46 bow...i have a jeweled moray in there by himself and i havent feed him in a little less than a week to try and lower the ammonia..How can one eel that hasn't been eating in about 5 days max out my bioload????? ive talked to people and the jeweled moray(mexican dragon) stays under 2 feet and...
  20. gootz

    Please Help Not Much Time

    ok im sorry i havent answered this but my readings of ammonia are of the charts. I am using the saltwater master liquid test kit bu aquarium pharmaceuticals inc. I still cannot figure out why my ammonia is so high. I lost the naso and had to give the clown to my friend because it was showing...