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  1. helipilot

    Is this safe...........

    Thank you for the replies. If I go with a quarantine tank, what should I feed the snails, urchin and brittle star?
  2. helipilot

    Is this safe...........

    Is it safe to add some invertabrates from the ocean to my tank? They are from mexico, a regular small sea urchin, 2-3 turbo snails, 2-3 scarlet hermits and a small brittle star. This is assuming they survive acclimation. My tank is a mature reef. I quess my real question is can these inverts...
  3. helipilot

    Refractometer Calibration & MH lighting Time

    Hope this works. It's on it's way.
  4. helipilot

    Refractometer Calibration & MH lighting Time

    BBB, It still doesn't work, I even tried taking the spaces out and it still won't work.
  5. helipilot

    Refractometer Calibration & MH lighting Time

    Your email address rejects me sending you anything ?
  6. helipilot

    Refractometer Calibration & MH lighting Time

    BBB, Yes I would be happy to email you the aricle. Lee
  7. helipilot

    Refractometer Calibration & MH lighting Time

    Sorry, You are right, it doesn't exist any more. I've got it, but don't know how to get it to you.
  8. helipilot

    Refractometer Calibration & MH lighting Time

    I was told that calibrating your refractometer to zero could result in errors because you aren't testing for zero, you are testing for salinity. I found this article and method of calibrating a refractomer much more accurate. *Link Removed*
  9. helipilot

    clown hosting tip torch coral

    I have a pair of perc's that have hosted a large torch for almost a year now. There have been no negative effects and I even think the torch would miss the perc's.
  10. helipilot

    Coral Type?

    Could the first one be a type of Hynophora ?
  11. helipilot

    Id ????

    Neomeris sp.,or caterpillar / spindle weed macroalgae. I've been told it is excellent for LR diversity. I've had mine for several months. I like it and it has not spread to the point of being a problem. Lee
  12. helipilot

    Refractometer calibration...

    I had the same problem. Someone gave me this site, after reading it, I think I was able to accurately calibrate mine using the method in this web site. I hope this helps
  13. helipilot

    Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?

    I would like to thank Allyssia for some helpful information. As Mr. or Ms Speg, I hope you had fun. I have a saying, " what goes around, comes around. Later
  14. helipilot

    Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?

    Thanks, that makes more sense. I'll try it.
  15. helipilot

    Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?

    Well, I guess that takes care of that. Thanks. I've never seen clams in a super market in water.
  16. helipilot

    Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?

    The clams I've seen are not in water but next to fresh shrimp etc. The sign says "live". (?)
  17. helipilot

    Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?

    The sign in the store says "live". Maybe frozen was the wrong term. It appears they are very cold.
  18. helipilot

    Acclimation of Cherry stone clams ?

    Exactly how do you acclimate Cherry Stone Clams from the local Safeway Market. The only ones I've seen appear frozen. Thanks in advance.
  19. helipilot

    No Sick Fish "Ick"

    I have a 30 gal. reef tank. My pair of perc's came up with Ick. I was just sick as I also had lots of LPS and SPS and some inverts. After considerable research I tried NO Sick Fish meds. I was very susceptible. But after 7 days all signs of Ick were gone, none of the coeals or inverts knew the...
  20. helipilot

    Can't keep sand clean!!!!

    I too have been battling Cyano for months. I have tried everything suggested to me. I have a 30 gal reef with 25 lbs of lr, several lps, a pair of perc's and a clown cobie, a good clean up crew, good lights, water tests are great. I have used chemi-clean several times, cut down on feedings etc...