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  1. wrcooper

    shark egg

    okay there is this place where i get fish at and they have a leopard shark egg that is alive now i am wondering what is a good tank to put this in for now being that it is in its smallest state i am planning on getting a 100 or 200 gal tank at a later time say a year maybe two is that too long...
  2. wrcooper

    This Is Crazy

    okay well i have only those two fish in my 48 gallon i have kept track of my NO2 and NO4 or 3 whichever one it is and my amonia and they are all below what is considered acceptable and i have asked people if it is better to have it lower or in that range they said lower better so i have a good...
  3. wrcooper

    large angles

    well now i have a very funny question when a korean angel sleeps does he sleep on his side on the bottom with my puffer sleeping on top of him they have done this a few times and i was wondering if that is normal i mean if i walk in front of the tank they get up and move around was just curious...
  4. wrcooper

    large angles

    okay here is my next big question the tank i have if i wanted to put any form of shell fish in the tank i would have to remove the puffer i think he is eating all the snails i put in the tank is that true i need to know beacuse he is the coolest fish i have. next to the angel which i guess i am...
  5. wrcooper

    This Is Crazy

    okay once again i am running a 48 gal bowed front with a corner taken out for the internal pump and filter i am using 40 pds or so of live rock and i have crushed coral as the bed i currently have one snail and a pink spotted puffer fish who is about 3 to 4 inch long and i have a korean angel...
  6. wrcooper

    large angles

    i am in southeast texas near louisiana right at the most southeast tip near Beaumont
  7. wrcooper

    large angles

    so is it better to go with just a reef tank beacase i think those things are soo ugly i dont like plants i like animals that is what sucks so here is a question for you if in a say a year i plan on upgrading to a larger tank is it safe to say keep the fish i have and add maybe one or two more...
  8. wrcooper

    large angles

    look okay first i dont have an emporer if you could read right you would understand that i am thinking about getting rid of my korean i dont have an emporer yet and if it will get to big i will get rid of it i dont want to kill any fish i just want some pretty fish that dont get too big and...
  9. wrcooper


    damn wrong button again
  10. wrcooper


    okay first i dont have an emporer if you could read right you would understand that i am thinking about getting rid of my korean i dont have an emporer yet and if it will get to big i will get rid of it i dont want to kill any fish i just want some pretty fish that dont get too big and the dude...
  11. wrcooper

    This Is Crazy

    so what you are all telling me is i need to get rid of all my fish and put one flame angel and that is it that is retarded there is no way i am going to put one fish in a 1000 dollar plus setup. if i have to get rid of the angel not a problem dont really care about him anyways i just want some...
  12. wrcooper

    large angles

    when they get bigger i will get rid of them i like change i dont plan on keeping the same fish for too long plus i have had the same fish in it prev for about 2 years and i had 8 fish in it 2 tangs 2 clowns and a angel and a few other fish i dont remember but i just got tired of messing with it...
  13. wrcooper

    large angles

    alright i know my grammar sucks and so does my spelling but if you got a computer prob i am your man LoL. Anyways alright i am running a 48 gallon with 45 pds of live rock with a standard filter in the back inside the tank with crushed coral as the bed material that is it i have a puffer and...
  14. wrcooper

    large angles

    this is weird after reading all of your posts i think my korean is posessed or something mine sleeps with all my fish i just put him in with my pink spotted puffer and they sleep together and like stay together in the tank now my snails are both dead but oh well i dont really care about that now...