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  1. brandonvd

    What Kind of Wrasse

    I have this wrasse in my tank and I don't know what it is. It eats any shrimp I put into the tank including cleaner shrimp and it also eats my snails and hermit crabs. The fish is really annoying because it eats everything that I put into my tank to help it, control algae and such, but I really...
  2. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    Well thank you guys for trying to think of what was wrong with my fish, but unfortunately it didn't make it through last night. I checked on him before I went to bed and he was just holding on, but when I got up he was deffinatly gone. I wish I knew what happened to him, but maybe it was just...
  3. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    Watson3 By the way your avatar is great, it hits the mark exactly. Brandon
  4. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    Almost. Just not the stipes. Brandon
  5. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

  6. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    I actually don't remember what kind of Tang he is. I remember that he was called a Unicorn Tang in the LFS, but every picture of a Unicorn Tang I've seen shows a horn sticking out of their foreheads and this Tang doesn't have that. He usually a brownish color in the mornings and then changes to...
  7. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    I had to buy a chiller over the summer because with the halides because I couldn't keep my temperatures from going off the charts and I think my temperature has been set to 79 degrees since then. I learned the hard way that a good chiller is a must around here during the summer with halides. Brandon
  8. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    According the controller: 78.8 According to the sticky thermometer on the top of the tank: 78 - 80 Brandon
  9. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    The tank is a 90 gallon bowfront with a 20 gallon sump/refugium. I run 2 - 150 watt halides with actinics. I have a chiller, heater and controller so my temperature is at a constant. My protien skimmer is a AquaC EV-180. I don't add that much for supplements just calcium, DT's, and Reef...
  10. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    I haven't added anything new for about 1 month or more. My wife said that the tang has been moving around slower that normal for the past couple of days althogh when I feed the fish he seems to move around enough to be able to eat more than the rest of the fish. Brandon
  11. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    I did some basic water parameter tests and the results were: PH - 8.1 Nitrate - <5 Nitrite - <.1 Ammonia - 0 - 0.1 This all seems fine so I hope these results have helped in giving someone some ideas. Brandon
  12. brandonvd

    Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?

    I got up this morning and noticed that all my fish were out except my tang. We have had this tang since about the beginning of us getting into saltwater fish, so about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed anything wrong with him until this morning. He was hidden behind some rocks so after moving the...
  13. brandonvd

    What is this?

    Thank you.
  14. brandonvd

    What is this?

    So I'll assume that they are harmless?
  15. brandonvd

    What is this?

    The other day I was turnning the lights off in my wife's nano and I noticed this slug looking thing on one of the rocks. When it moved it looked like some kind of soft slug, but when I pocked it, it became hard almost like it had a shell on it. By the time I was able to get my camera the...
  16. brandonvd

    feather dusters in refugium

    I added a refugium sump to my aquarium about 7 months ago and added some macro algae too it. The refugium is still doing fine and is treating my water great, but I have a couple of questions. 1. My algae was growing like crazy at first, but now it doesn't seem to be growing at all, but yet it...
  17. brandonvd

    Damsel Eating My Brain Corals

    I have a black and white striped hum bug damsel that keeps eating my brain corals. I didn't realize that he was the problem until I lost two corals and then a third started to eaten as well. I thought that the corals were just dying because they were missing tissue and becomming just skeletons...
  18. brandonvd

    Damsel Eating My Brain Corals

    I have a black and white striped hum bug damsel that keeps eating my brain corals. I didn't realize that he was the problem until I lost two corals and then a third started to eaten as well. I thought that the corals were just dying because they were missing tissue and becomming just skeletons...
  19. brandonvd

    Finding Other Hobbyists Around Weaverville, CA

    I currently have a 80 gallon reef tank and a 24 gallon nano tank here in Weaverville, CA. I am looking to see if there is anyone else in this area that does saltwater tanks as well. I know that there are people down in Redding, but it would be really nice if there is someone here in town. I just...
  20. brandonvd

    Dying Fungia

    I have a new problem with my Fungia. It still didn't inflate at all last night and now this morning I noticed a bunch of it tenticles have fallen off and are laying in the sand next to it. I don't know what to do and I hope that you guys can help. I really think there is a problem with this thing.