Help! My Tang Is Almost Dead?


I got up this morning and noticed that all my fish were out except my tang. We have had this tang since about the beginning of us getting into saltwater fish, so about 1 1/2 years. I haven't noticed anything wrong with him until this morning. He was hidden behind some rocks so after moving the rocks I was able to catch him. He is hardly moving, but still alive for now. He does seem very skinny, but every time I feed the fish (almost daily) he seems to eat more food than everyone else, just not now. I don't know if he needs more food or if he is just sick or something. I didn't notice any spots or anything else that would resemble a disease, but he sure isn't himself. I haven't ran any tests on my water yet, but everyone else is happy including the rest of my fish and all of my corals and since he has been through some pretty rough stuff already including moving my whole tank I doubt that the water conditions are affecting him. I will be running a complete set of tests in a few minutes though. I am hoping someone out there has any ideas about what might be affecting him and what to do about it. For now I have placed him in my refugium so that way I can keep a better eye on him.
Please Help!
Thank you.


I did some basic water parameter tests and the results were:
PH - 8.1
Nitrate - <5
Nitrite - <.1
Ammonia - 0 - 0.1
This all seems fine so I hope these results have helped in giving someone some ideas.


Active Member
have u added any new fish? if so they may have had internal parasites that he got and his metabolism has increased but hes not getting any bettr


I haven't added anything new for about 1 month or more.
My wife said that the tang has been moving around slower that normal for the past couple of days althogh when I feed the fish he seems to move around enough to be able to eat more than the rest of the fish.


The tank is a 90 gallon bowfront with a 20 gallon sump/refugium. I run 2 - 150 watt halides with actinics. I have a chiller, heater and controller so my temperature is at a constant. My protien skimmer is a AquaC EV-180. I don't add that much for supplements just calcium, DT's, and Reef Solutions. I feed Mysis Shrimp and Marine Cuisine almost daily. I have started to have a problem with Hair algae, but I got some blue legged hermits and I've had a blenny so that problem is getting back under control. Like I said everything else seems to be very happy, just not the tang.


Active Member
and u have a chiller? im suprised, im not quite sure what to say, my tang was kinda slow when it got really cold around here


I had to buy a chiller over the summer because with the halides because I couldn't keep my temperatures from going off the charts and I think my temperature has been set to 79 degrees since then. I learned the hard way that a good chiller is a must around here during the summer with halides.


I actually don't remember what kind of Tang he is. I remember that he was called a Unicorn Tang in the LFS, but every picture of a Unicorn Tang I've seen shows a horn sticking out of their foreheads and this Tang doesn't have that. He usually a brownish color in the mornings and then changes to a silver color later in the day. I haven't been able to find a picture of one that looks exactly like him so I haven't been able to identify him. I do know that he must be a pretty hardy fish to be able to last about 1 1/2 years and through all that I have unfortunately had to put him through.