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  1. masaleh

    62G new pics

    Originally Posted by grumpygils Hey Maselah, I assume your polyps are moveable? I take mine out each week and put them in a small cup with tank water. I then put in a small chunk of frozen brine formulav in with them and gently stirr. After about 5 -10 minutes, the polyps start coming out...
  2. masaleh

    62G new pics

    Originally Posted by Pasafire It looks great, what kind of lighting do you use? Are the photos with or without flash? The first three photos without flash. and for the lighting I have to check and get back to you.
  3. masaleh

    62G new pics

    Originally Posted by grumpygils How long have you had the gonaporia? Also, I just got sun polyps 3 weeks ago and love them. I take them out and feed them in a cup with a blizzard and they come out raging! Do you take your polyps out for feeding? Mc I almost have it for a year and a...
  4. masaleh

    62G new pics

    new pics
  5. masaleh

    62G new pics

    new pics
  6. masaleh

    need help

    Hi all I came back from work and my all fish were dead. all my corals fine and helthy. can you tell what is going on. NOTE: I bought my last fish 6 months ago and i had fish since 2003. my tank now is normal i mad tests it became normal. thank you
  7. masaleh

    Green Moray EEL needs a new home

    Hi take it to seaworld since you live close to Orlando. thank you
  8. masaleh


    I have my 62G for almost year and a half and it has a skimmer working verygood but i am concedaring the 15G as a nano that why i did ask about the skimmer. I will make it reef tank.
  9. masaleh


    Hi :help: I am setting up my 15G reef.......Do I need to have a skimmer for it. Thank you :)
  10. masaleh

    skimmer for nano

    I am planning to have a nano tank. what kind og supplies do I need for it? Is the skimmer requered for the nano tank? :help: thank you
  11. masaleh

    Nano Tank

    Hi, :help: I am goung to have a nano tank, but i do not know what size should I go for. so can someone help me with the size??? what is the biggest nano tank i can go with? Note: I already have 62 galon reef tank. Thank you. :)
  12. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    Originally posted by Thejdshow haha a damsel lover. how are they treating your other fish? they are doing fine.
  13. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    Originally posted by lion_crazz I think everyone is getting confused. It is not 249 gallons, it is 249 litres, which is 62 gallons. It is 249 Liters, which is 62 gallons
  14. masaleh

    Need Help

    Hi Could you please find me any fish store make shippment to KUWAIT? I would like to buy fish and corals. thank you
  15. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    Originally posted by lion_crazz Wow, that is a packed tank. I am surprised you do not have nitrate problems. Beautiful fish and inverts, regardless! Did you ever consider adding some Marc Weiss' Coral Vital though to kick start the growth of some nice coralline algae? That will definitely...
  16. masaleh

    My 37 Gallon

    Originally posted by limshady THANKS TO EVERYONE ON SALTWATERFISH.COM HERES MY TANK!:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish do you have a full picture of your tank. thank you
  17. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    Originally posted by memole did you or do you have problems with your carpet moving and burning anything.. I haven't gotton one because I am afraid of that Thanks Chris No I did not have any problem, but the carpet once you put it in the tank it will not stay at the same spot that you...
  18. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    INVERTS Anemone Rose Bulb Anemone 2 Bulb Anemone 2 Carpet Anemone, (yellow, green & white) 3 Worms Feather Duster 1 Hard Tube Coco Worm, Colored 2 Shrimps Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp 2 Blood Red Fire Shrimp 1 Banded Coral Shrimp 1 Camel Shrimp 5 Harelquin shrimp 2 Urchin Longspine Urchin, Black...
  19. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    120Lx50Hx40W It is around 62G
  20. masaleh

    my 249L reef

    Thank you