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  1. weep no more


    Ok, even though I have read this board long enough to know that I will be in big trouble, I will tell you what I have. I know that according to the expertise of the veterans here I am way overstocked; but, surprisingly I have only lost 1 damsel ( I know 1 is too many) in the past year. :eek: 1...
  2. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    Thanks, but I just saw some great pictures by J21Kickster and I am so discouraged. I was going to post a 6 pack; but, now I feel too ashamed for anyone to see.:( I really have tried hard to make my 29 gallon succeed. I just don't understand how you can get that much lighting to do the job...
  3. weep no more

    updated 20 gallon pics

    J21Kickster, I love your tank. I was going to post some pictures of mine so people could help tell me what I need; but I see I need more than bare rock with some brown algae growing. I'm confused. I have a 29 gallon and I don't understand how you got all those lights I saw displayed in one of...
  4. weep no more


    Overanalyzer, I can't seem to get the lighting system that will do the job that I want. I really want the nice reef tanks that everyone on here has displayed. I have the Coral Life 10,000 k lights and a 50/50. I will check the boxes that they came in to check the brand names and specifics of...
  5. weep no more

    My first six pack

    Thanks, CBSHARK! I have had a tank for 8 years; but have had no help. I have had to drive to another state to find good quality fish. I am finally getting life rock. I will attach an image that I have shrunk down to size. If I can get other close ups to fit the format, I will attach them as...
  6. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    I hope someone will write me back if this picture comes through. I couldn't find my thread on the opening of the message board, so I'm not sure if people know it is there or not. Other messages have come in and bumped my thread downwards and out of view.Thanks!
  7. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    Thanks, Melody and broomer5. I have been learning in Dell Image Paint Shop Pro. I have used the technique that you described Melody. I hope the picture works.
  8. weep no more


    I am really suprised that I have done as well as I have and even have fish at all. No one has ever told me that I needed turbo snails or hermit crabs to help with the detritus. I learned that information from this board. I guess the only thing that has saved my tank and fish has been my...
  9. weep no more


    Sorry for spelling your name wrong, overanalyzer, as well as the word "evidently". I'll have to slow down and check my work before I send it.:eek:
  10. weep no more


    Hi, overanlyzer. I am wanting to have a combination of fish, live rock and corals. I haven't had much help for the past 8 years and have had to lose a lot of money and poor little fish. I have effidently been given bad advice. I have lost a seahorse, mandarin goby and a gorgeous blue trigger...
  11. weep no more

    My first six pack

    CBSHARK, I'm sorry to trouble you; but, I really am wanting to attach some pictures of my tank and have been unable to do so. Would you mind helping me? I get a message that says that my picture file is too big. I'm sorry. I feel that I'm such a novice at technology sometimes. :(
  12. weep no more

    My first six pack

    You gave some wonderful information; but, I have to say that even though I have kept a tank for 8 years alot of what you explained seemed like a complicated process to me.:( So much of it is really over my head.:eek: I don't know if I will ever learn all I need.
  13. weep no more

    My first six pack

    Thanks so much! Wow, how long did it take you to establish such beautiful coral? :confused:
  14. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    I just got a message that said my picture was too big! I don't know how to resize it. :(
  15. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    Trying to post a picture of my tank. :eek:
  16. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    I'm trying again.:(
  17. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    Thanks, kreach and lovethesea for the instuctions.:)
  18. weep no more

    My first six pack

    CBShark, that is very beautiful.:) Do you mind telling me about your system? I couldn't tell if you had an undergravel or not.:confused:
  19. weep no more

    Stupid newb question

    Hey, booya! What a wonderful picture showing the cycle.:eek:
  20. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    Wow! I see that some of you are late night owls like me!:o Seems like I can't get time to check things out until everyone here has settled into bed. I appreciate everyone that is still welcoming me to the board and offering some comfort and reassurance. I'm still experimenting with pictures...