Search results

  1. arpartyman

    Xenia Problem

    I bought some pumping xenia about 8mo ago on a 2"x3" little rock. It had about 5 or 6 heads on it. I now have about 50 or 60 heads on quite a few kidding. How can I get them off the rock without killing them. I tried to just pull them off but their pretty slippery and wouldn't...
  2. arpartyman

    150 wet/dry, new wavemaster, 4-stage ro

    I'm interested in The Wavemaster. How much and do you have any powerheads for it? e-mail me at
  3. arpartyman

    DIY in wall tank

    Me and my wife have been talking lately about doing the same thing in our house. Do you have any plans on a DIY in-wall? Thanks:)
  4. arpartyman

    Software For Aquarium

    What do you all recommend to keep track of everthing in your aquarium. I've tried reef con. Not the Pro version. Just trying to find something that will let me keep track of everything and maybe give me some information on fish, inverts, corals, disease, water quality....ect. I guess if I could...
  5. arpartyman

    DIY Canopy For 75gal

    I am getting ready to purchace a retrofit pc outfit for my 75gal and I was wondering if anyone has any diy plans for one or knows where I could find some good ones. The diminsions on my tank are 48x18x20. Thanks for any help:)
  6. arpartyman

    Water Changes

    Someone has to know this one. Come on Sharks...hehe <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  7. arpartyman

    Water Changes

    Since I do not have an RO/DI unit, If I go to the store and buy some DI water, can I put that in my tank and not have to put any cycle/TLC....whatever that stuff is called you put in tap water. Just trying not to have to put this stuff in my tank since it makes my Protien Skimmer bubble up my...
  8. arpartyman

    Southdown sand

    I guess you could use Quickcrete if you want to mount a Basketball Goal in your tank. It's concrete.
  9. arpartyman

    Bi-Color Angel

    I just bought a this little guy at my LFS and was wondering what the best thing to feed him is. I was going to feed him brine dipped in zoe. Should I try something else or will this be good enough?
  10. arpartyman

    Darn Puffer...

    My bad Snowflake. I also didn't know that you two were friends. It's just all the new people we have got in here lately have really gotten to me by how childish thery are. I do apologize. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />
  11. arpartyman

    Darn Puffer...

    You know Snowflake we all could do with out your comments. It's people like you who all of us that are serious about this hobby and this board are getting sick of. All he was doing was telling us what had happened with his puffer and some others had given their advice and good constuctive...
  12. arpartyman


    Does anyone know where I can plans to build a canopy for my 75 gallon tank? I'm needing one for my IceCap 660 Retro Kit
  13. arpartyman


    I just called the Wichita, Kansas West store to see if they had any left. They had 21 bags on hand. I got them to send 6 bags to our Fort Smith, Arkansas store. They really had no idea what type of sand I was talking about. But I gave the SKU# 578-819 and they found it easy. If you want to try...
  14. arpartyman

    DIY Sump

    I know this has probably been answered a million times but, since I'm still kinda new here I'll ask again. I have a 75gal FOWLR and I'm wanting to build a good sump for it. Right now I'm running a Fluval 304 and a Whisper 5. Does anyone know a site where it has good detailed instructions on how...
  15. arpartyman

    4 Lamp VHO Retro

    Where can I find the best price on this. I've looked at IceCap 660 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and I like it. Just wondering if you all know of anywhere else I might be able to get it a little cheaper. :)
  16. arpartyman

    Refugiums!! store bought or home made?

    Ok cool. Now can I use a refugium that just hangs on the inside of the tank and put the plant in it. I've found one that that does this and has a powerhead attached. Will this help with my nitrates?
  17. arpartyman

    Refugiums!! store bought or home made?

    What type of caulerpa should I use? I looked on <a href="http://www.**************.com" target="_blank">www.**************.com</a> and they have a few diferent types. I only looked there because is out.
  18. arpartyman

    Refugiums!! store bought or home made?

    What type of plant would you put in it. It sounds like I need one with the nitrate problems I've had in the past. I guess what I'm asking it what all do I need with a refugium? And where can I get one?
  19. arpartyman

    Problems with my Feather Duster

    This just happened about 30min ago. I looked in at the tank and my large Feather Duster's...Duster has what looks like, Popped Right at the base. I have never seen this. I've had them before and this hasn't happened. Any ideas? Will it grow back or should I just take both pieces out...
  20. arpartyman

    Live Rock

    I did. They all died in quarantine. It was bad real bad. Lost 7 fish in about a week and a half :mad: