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  1. hexagon30


    Originally posted by arkey.d For Fish Only -LiveRock and LiveSand, you bet. Thanks Arky! How long before coraline starts growing, is there a trick to get different colors. Someone told me calcium, anybody recommend a brand in particular?
  2. hexagon30


    I Just looked and my lighting setup is only a 15" 15 watt flourescent. Is that good enough for starting a hex 30 tall FOWLR+LS? I will eventually reef it. Thanks all.
  3. hexagon30


    Nice thanks! :joy:
  4. hexagon30


    Originally posted by arkey.d Place them in the aquarium one on each side of the tank. One higher than the other for water circulation. Thanks man! How long does it take for the water to be crystal clear? I set the tank up saturday night and the water still has some traces of white not...
  5. hexagon30


    Originally posted by COWFISHRULE got time for some reading? Thanks! Read that one 2 days ago :) I tried doing a search for power heads and I cant find any that explains how to set it up if you already have a canister set up. Any tips?
  6. hexagon30


    Man you guys are good! Any others, I'm getting a test kit and a heater today. I'll research the lighting soon. Any others, like power heads? or that small a tank doesnt require it? If I have the fluval do I need an extra separate pump and power head? Got a lot of reading to do. Thanks All.
  7. hexagon30


    Hi All I Just bought a 30 Gallon Hex tall. So confused coming from freshwater. Anyway what would be the best setup to start with? For a medium temper to aggressive fish tank with LR then possibly corals within 6 months or so? I have a FLUVAL 300 Canister filtration 3 damsels cycling 15lbs of LR...