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  1. dragracer

    Triggers/Live Rock

    I have a Huma Huma trigger with LR and he is fine. I have even been told on here that I could have an anenome with him. I guess it depends on the Trigger!
  2. dragracer

    cowfish Totally shameless plug but that is the link to my old bands website, you can listen to us there. Keep in mind, that band is no more, they broke up after I left!
  3. dragracer

    scooter blenny

    Well, to start. Mine never ate algae. I was misinformed by my LFS before I found this site. I was told they would be fine without LR and they would eat algae. Sadly, I starved two of them to death. I have been reading up since. They should have lots of LR and they eat meaty...
  4. dragracer


    Ah I too am a drummer. I have a Ludwig Classic Rocker with Evans heads, DW stand and double pedal, Paiste Cymbals. I was in a band for 5 years and left them about a year or so ago. Worst think I've done. I love playing, but miss playing with a band!
  5. dragracer

    LR selection

    For those of you who've bought LR from SWF. Have you been happy with the selection as far as peice sizes? I mean, is it just one or two big chunks of 50 pounds or is it broken up pretty well?
  6. dragracer

    Where is your tank located??

    Ready for this? I have a 55 SW tank and a 30 FW tank in my room. After the holidays I am going to start a 75 gallon tank(in my room) and until it cycles, the 55 will still be in my room. so for a bout a month and a half I will 160 gallons of water in my bedroom. I bet I will be peeing a lot...
  7. dragracer

    is this overstalked?

    So youre saying my mild mannered-get long-with everyone(2 other fish and lots of nails and crabs) Huma Huma is going to turn into the spawn of Satan and stop being buddies with his tank mates? Crap!
  8. dragracer

    when do i add the salt?

    Thats how I do it........well you can usually see if its all dissolved........what kind of salt do you have. I would recommend Instant Ocean.....but thats just my preference
  9. dragracer

    when do i add the salt?

    Well some would say add the mixed salt water first then add the sand........I don't do it that way, I added the DSB then added the mixed water. You have to let your tank cycle. If you have LR.......cycle it with that if its uncured.......if not........drop two chunks of storebought fresh...
  10. dragracer

    when do i add the salt?

    You're right. I appologize for not stating that I had a lab test and what they tested for. I came off a little strong. Truth is there are three other people on my road who have salt tanks. One man has had one up and running for 7 years and he has always used his well water, and has never had...
  11. dragracer

    Ammonia help

    Yeah I mean pegging the kit. But i did find the culprit, whereas I thought two of my grazers were in my LR......they weren't My Huma Huma had them buried in his cave with them. I dug them out......did a 20% water change and over the last two days it has come back down. Thanks for all your...
  12. dragracer

    when do i add the salt?

    See, there you went and assumed I didn't have the proper test equiptment. But thats ok, not everyone can read between the lines, I should have clarified myself. I had the water tested by the same lab that tests the pool water at the high school I work at. But yes, even though you seem to find...
  13. dragracer

    when do i add the salt?

    Ok so here is my thinker Q. I hear alot of people say "No tap water" My question is.....are all the people who say this hooked up to city or town water? I did a comparison test with some RO water and my well water. Either I have incredible well water or the RO water was not good stuff...
  14. dragracer

    75 gal

    Thats a good idea but here is my situation. I want to cycle the 75 totally before I switch over from the 55. Could I see the new sand after it has cycled?
  15. dragracer

    Ammonia help

    Tanks a year old, and up until today at 2 PM the water levels were good. I have a clown, a small Huma Huma and a small Yellow tang. I know I know, way over loaded, thanks to my LFS......anyhow, I know thats oart of my problem, but why the major spike? I have 3 Mexican Grazers, 5 turbos and...
  16. dragracer

    75 gal

    Ok So I inherited a 75 gallon tank, so after christmas I am going to set it up and cycle it and move the contents of my 55 into it. Here's my question. I went to Home depot today and picked up 100lbs of Southdown....I know thats alot but I didn't want to make another trip back...
  17. dragracer

    Ammonia help

    Well, after two water changes, the water is slowly getting better. The fish are starting to become more active, but I am still worried about what cause the spike. I didn't find anything dead in my tank. It baffles me!!
  18. dragracer

    Ammonia help

    Ok I somehow have an ammonia spike and I am kinda in a panic. I don't have any water mixed up with now, for a water change. What can I do before my fish stop moving??
  19. dragracer

    Perfect Fish 4 a 35 gallon

    Niger......whats the buggy do in the 1/4?
  20. dragracer

    My New Tank

    Yes I tool would say a 35 is too small for a YT. I have one in a 55 and have no problems........yet. I am upgrading to a 75, cause of space,I can't go bigger, and my YT is going to a happy home in a 150 that i have set up for a freind.