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  1. compnut

    Beth, Quick short question on Salinity.

    Thank you for your information. I agree with the LFS statements. I have 2 locally and both give different answers to questions but I always look here to see what is right. Thanks again
  2. compnut

    Beth, Quick short question on Salinity.

    I purchased a refractometer yesterday..
  3. compnut

    Beth, Quick short question on Salinity.

    I have read, read, read on Hyposalinity for treatment for ICK. Most places say 1.009. LFS said WOW they would go to 1.019. Which should it be? Will me LION and Puffer be able to handle 1.009? The weird thing is that I run my fish only tank at 1.019 all the time......
  4. compnut

    Reducing salinity question

    I have a hydrometer. Thanks for the reply.
  5. compnut

    Reducing salinity question

    This might be stupid, but I have a 75 gallon that I'm going to reduce salinty to 1.009 for hypo. Question: To do this gradually do I start with 5 gallons out, 5 gallons in of RO water?. I don't want to do it to fast and I'm not sure what percentages to do. Anybody have an idea on this. Thanks
  6. compnut

    Quick Question: Lion & puffer ICK

    Update: Did a 10 minute Dip with the lion. It doesn't look as if it did anything. Could this be velvet? Eyes on the Lion are extremely cloudy to the point I don't think he can see. This has come very fast on both puffer and lion (over 3 days) Should I Dip again and add Formalin to it? Any...
  7. compnut

    Quick Question: Lion & puffer ICK

    I have a 75 gallon, with only a puffer and a Volitan in it. I have a QT tank just set up (just finished cycling). I just need to know can the Lion take the copper. And what should the dosage be? and what is the best copper treatment out there. Thanks Again
  8. compnut

    Quick Question: Lion & puffer ICK

    I have a fish only tank with a Volitan and a Dog face puffer. It seems they have come down with ick. I have heard that Lion's don't take copper. What is the best way to treat my tank? HYPO? I appreciate anyone's help on this.
  9. compnut

    Help with a new QT..please

    I need some guidelines on the QT. I must set one up immediately. But I'm not sure on what exactly to get and how long it takes to get it cycled and how to get it to cycle with no substrate. I was thinking on buying a 25 gallon Eclipse system. Is this sufficient with also a heater. Just tell me...
  10. compnut

    Help with a new QT..please

    It looks like ick. I have Dipped my tank every other day now for about 7 minutes each. His eyes look really bad. It doesn't look like the dips are doing much good, that makes me think it isn't ick. All fish are scratching against rocks and what my shrimp to get on them all the time. 4 damsels, 1...
  11. compnut

    Help with a new QT..please

    I have a major outbreak of ich or velvet don't know which. I have a Reef tank with inverts. I have never used a QT (i know).. but now I want to set one up for treatment. Can some guide me through the steps of setting up a 25 gal for treatment. I will probably use copper treatment just because I...
  12. compnut

    Tang, what is this..

    I believe it is Ick. Could never get a good view but after getting a constant look at him, I think it is. What is the best treatment within a reef tank. Thanks for everyone post.
  13. compnut

    Tang, what is this..

    update on observations.. The tank also wants all fish to come up to it and one damsel eats of him. Is this Ick?? If so how do I treat with a reef tank. I only have 2 inverts (both anemones that would be easy to remove if this would help.. I don't know maybe just being extremely cautious...
  14. compnut

    Tang, what is this..

    yellow tang, had for about 2 months now. He eats well, swims around well and tank parameters look great. He looks to have a film around his eyes and he's maybe a little duller than usual. Does anybody might now what's going on, or am I just overreacting. I have never treated my fish or tank for...
  15. compnut

    Need a little help, yellow tang

    I have had my yellow tang for about 3 months along with a few anemones, 4 damsel fish, 2 crabs, sea urchin. No problems between any of them. I introduced a spotted clown (brown and white) into the tank 10 days ago. look like there eas no problems with any fish. This morning he was dead. I...