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  1. coolermh

    Big Tank

    Anyone in IL looking to get rid of 180-300 gallon tank
  2. coolermh

    Calcium levels

    What are the Ideal levels for Calcuim, Salainty and Idoine...and other things like that? Also are wet/ Dry Filter Bad for reef Aquariums
  3. coolermh

    Green moray

    I had a Green Moray for awhil and it was alot of fun accept it ate alot of my good fish.:mad: and it bit me once and that pissed me off. I wouldnt bother with a green Moray
  4. coolermh

    cat shark with triggers

    I have had a baby bannded in my 125 with my clown trigger (8") and it has worked out so far but i have alot of hiding places as for the shark and I did see the trigger nip at him once but that is all. But I think its a big risk and you have to have a way to get rid of the shark or trigger if...
  5. coolermh

    banded cat shark egg

    My mom killed my sea cucumber cause she thought it was a bristle
  6. coolermh

    Can sharks get parasties

    My sand is just regular araganite sand and none of my other fish are showing any of these spots. Thanx for all the advice from everyone.
  7. coolermh

    Can sharks get parasties

    is there a cure for it
  8. coolermh

    Can sharks get parasties

    I was watching my bannded cat shark the other day when i realized that he had a some really tiny white spots on him. I used to thing they were just a little bit of sand but now i think that they are something else? does anyone have any ideas and if so what the cure might be.
  9. coolermh


    Any tips on how to catch the suckers
  10. coolermh

    Black Tip Reef Shark

    Hey NOVICE, i was just wondering where you got the supplies to build the tank? Thanks
  11. coolermh

    help my koran wont eat

    curently its in a 55 but it is a juv. and i have bigger tanks. but he is living now with all fish smaller then him ther is a coral beauty and
  12. coolermh


    Does anyone konw if horn sharks are more active in the day than bamboo sharks
  13. coolermh

    help my koran wont eat

    I cant get my j. koran angel to eat. I tired brine and algea and he nips at the algea but wont eat anything else. Got any tips
  14. coolermh


    What temp do smooth hound sharks have to live in? and what size tank do they need
  15. coolermh

    average size?

    I know the max length on a bannded is like 40 inches but what is their average length when they are adults
  16. coolermh

    small reef

    I have been running a 5.5 gallon reef tank now for about 7 months and everything is going well my pipe organ coarl is espically doing well. However on my liverock i cant seem to grow anymore coarline algee
  17. coolermh

    Two Sharks

    how big a tank do you think I would need? Do you know where i could get one cheap b/c i will probally get a bigger tank in a year to accomdate my shark
  18. coolermh

    tank size

    Also does anyone know where i can get a larger tank for cheap
  19. coolermh

    Two Sharks

    I have a 150 gal wet/dry trickle with protiein skimmer 4 bio wheels powered by two powerheads each pushing 300 gal an hour. I also have a magnum 350. As far as my trigger goes it is usally pretty good i have never had any trouble with it. part of the reason i think it doesnt bothershark is...
  20. coolermh

    Dragon Eel

    Dont buy a green I had one and they are a pain in the ass. Mine bit me quite a few times and they get really big and mine also ate my 7" minatous grouper