Search results

  1. kevcon

    Starfish appeared

    Thanks Lesa, That is it. It is strange because I havent added anything for a long time. My cuke nuked all my fish and lately I have been finding all kinds of new life. It is pretty cool, Like a brand new tank :) . I am even considering not adding fish back to the reef. I think I will leave...
  2. kevcon

    Starfish appeared

    Hello all, When I checked the tank this morning I found a small 1/4 inch starfish. How do these thisngs reproduce? Because I have not added anything for about a year and have not had a star in the reef tank. Cant tell what kind of star it yet as it is to small and has no real color yet. Just...
  3. kevcon


    Good Morning All, I have a question for everyone. I have recently lost all my fish, thanks to Bang Guy it was discovered that my innocent looking Cuke went postal and did them all in. Thanks Bang Guy you saved me a ton of work. Anyway Im going to start reinhabiting my reef. What are your...
  4. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    Well Bang appears to be correct which is totally amazing with the limited info I gave. The tank is absolutely perfect this am sans all fish. :( Thanks bang because I probably would have totalled the tank trying figure it out... I was beginging to think someone had put something in the...
  5. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    :) Man now what should I do with this critter? Cant have him killing everything with no punishment. Cant put him in the qt tank or should I ;)
  6. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    Thanks anyway Bang So any chance you want a 12 inch cuke tee hheee hheee :D
  7. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    i would never have expected that but it does sound likely now. is there any slime or anything visible I could look for?
  8. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    I do have a pink/blk cuke. he has been in the tank for 4 years and still appears very healthy. I am affraid all the fish are now in fish heaven. all the hermits and corals appear fine. My bubble and plate corals have not extended all day. I have done about 40% water change today to bring...
  9. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    By the way all my corals look okay at this point time will tell I suppose just how much I will have to replace......
  10. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    I live in washington state and my temp is normally about 79. Im beginning to wonder if the clown died at night and the amonnia is doing the other fish in. The two yellow tangs are now laying on the bottom of the qt tank and dont look like they will pull out of it. the only param not where my...
  11. kevcon

    aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!

    After 5 years having major crash this am. question are fish more temp sensitive than corals? I have never had to worry about over temp till now....... and this am tank at 86 and all fish are majorly stressed. 4 year old clown a gonner and thus ammonia shot up. once again are corals as...
  12. kevcon

    For Sale

    :) Hey, So are u planning on coming down this fri?
  13. kevcon

    1st order

    I ordered on mon and they shipped on wed arrived here on thurs am. You can request what day your order arrives.
  14. kevcon

    1st order

    Hello Everyone, I just felt compelled to write a bit about the order I recieved from SWF and tell you how totally impressed I am. I had to contemplate for many hours before ordering from so far away, I'm in Washington State, and finally decided to go with it. Anyway I ordered a yellow tang, a...
  15. kevcon

    For Sale

    Hi sorry to here your selling your tank, Why are you breaking it down? Anyway I would like to have your fuge and any corals or rocks you need to find a good home for, My current tank has been running for about 5 years. Let me know I live in washington about an hour from seattle. Email...
  16. kevcon

    HELP Ive got it bad

    Okay you guys help me ive got it bad and i just can't make my reef look nearly as good as the ones ive seen here. I have a 105 gallon reef that I have been playing with for the about 5 years and it is now where near yours. I seem to constantly fight hair algae. Of course when I started this...
  17. kevcon

    lr and ls for sale: Seattle WA

    zs My e-mail
  18. kevcon

    Best LFS in western Wa

    Thanks Everyone for the suggestions I really appreciate them
  19. kevcon

    for sale in seattle/tacoma area

    Hey any chance you are still selling?
  20. kevcon

    Wet/Dry Sump with RIO 2100 Pump for Sale

    You have mail