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  1. edub

    ID please - plant!!

  2. edub

    live sand

    I recently returned to saltwater - the new school says no undergravel filters at all. Use the search button at the top of the page - you'll find a ton of info for new tank setup topics...
  3. edub

    ID please - plant!!

    Anyone have any idea? This have been flourishing on my live rock for the last couple of weeks... It's growing on a couple of different pieces. Will it be a good food source for omnivores? Thanks.
  4. edub

    bulkheads upside down

    I don't know about having the bulkheads up side down but the gasket goes on the wet side normally...
  5. edub

    Tang suggestions...

    Thanks for all the info and suggestions!
  6. edub

    Tang suggestions...

    I'd like to add a tang to my 72 (eventually) but I'd like some suggestions considering the size of my tank. There's conflicting info everywhere. For instance, I've read a number of sites that list minimum tank size anywhere from 55 gallons to 100 gallons for a yellow tang. My tank has 100# of...
  7. edub


    When shrimp molt, will the old shell have coloring? Thanks.
  8. edub

    Lighting question...

    I have an All-glass fluorescent light strip. Can I buy a VHO bulb or do I need a special ballast, etc.? Thanks.
  9. edub

    ID please...

    Thanks for all the info!
  10. edub

    ID please...

    I've tried to take a pic but it didn't work out... I have a anemone/polyp-looking thing that stretches out of my live rock at night when the lights are off. Once the lights go on, it slowly shrinks back into the rock. It's a pale burgundy color. Any ideas? Thanks.
  11. edub

    Adding LS question...

    thanks - I'll give it a try...
  12. edub

    Adding LS question...

    I'm currently filling my tank. Do I need to make sure the salinity is correct before adding my live sand? I'd like to add it now to avoid a dust up - but starting my tank off the correct way is more important. Thanks.
  13. edub

    Typhoon Dimensions??

    Anybody got'em?? Thanks.
  14. edub

    Another sump question...

    I've been reading extensively and haven't found a good answer for this - How does one make sure that the sump doesn't flood or run dry? I understand the constant level siphon but that's when the water levels are equal. With a sump below the tank, the water will run down until the end of the...
  15. edub


    I'm in the planning stages for a 72 BF. I'm considering removing the carpet in that area (in the basement) before setting up. What floor would be most able to handle the ~1000 lbs? Will ceramic tile crack? Any suggestions? Thanks.