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  1. podslammed

    FOR SALE: lr,corals,fish and pc light system!!

    I'll take the mushrooms if still available. Paypal ready let me know.
  2. podslammed

    30g cube/175w MH/sump/stand in MA

    Where are you located?
  3. podslammed

    coral banded shrimp

    He's coming out today!!! He ate another fish last night.
  4. podslammed

    coral banded shrimp

    My coral banded shrimp keeps eating my fish. I put two greem chromis in my tank yesterday afternoon and he killed them all ready. The day before he killed a damsel. Is there anything I can do besides take him out?
  5. podslammed

    fish with disease

    Could be marine velvet. Not real sure. Don't know what it is so don't know how to treat. I can't afford to keep loosing fish though.
  6. podslammed

    fish with disease

    I have a 55g. I thought I had ich. My fish grew this film all over them and died about three days later. I am thinking that it is brooklinella. Not exactly sure, but while I had fish living anytime I would add a fish the same thing would happen. They also lost all their coloring. I have no fish...
  7. podslammed

    Louisiana - Any GOOD LFS"S aroudn?

    never been to the coral connection. we are planning a road trip. If you are headed this way let me know. went to the fish store in houma today.
  8. podslammed

    what chemicals in a new tank

    Since I have been adding the purple up all my rocks are getting lots of coraline algae, and the coral vite seems to be helping the critters on my lr like the little feather dusters. Should I just stop adding them?
  9. podslammed

    Louisiana - Any GOOD LFS"S aroudn?

    I am about 40 min south of Lafayette. There is an ok store in Lafayette called th Tropical Fish Bowl. There is a nice shop in Houma and there is the Coral Connection in Kenner. How far from Lafayette are you?
  10. podslammed

    what chemicals in a new tank

    I was just wondering if youll thought it would be a good idea to use purple up and coral vite in new tanks. and how long to use it. the lfs recommended both of them.
  11. podslammed

    placing anenome in tank

    thanks for the advice
  12. podslammed

    placing anenome in tank

    is there any special place that an anenome should be placed. this is my first one and it did not stay where i put it. should i move it where it can get direct current. it is kinda stacked between two rocks right now. should i move it or let it do its own thing?
  13. podslammed

    mushroom polyps

    do they need to be close to light? also is it ok for them to be in a little current?
  14. podslammed

    percula clown

    Just put a percula clown in my 55g. Would it have been better to put a pair. Also will it host in a long tenacle anenome?
  15. podslammed


    I have a 55g that is one month old. I was wondering if it is a good idea to add stability to my water for seven days or longer?