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  1. gafish


    I was a police officer for 7yrs and that has never been a issue.. :hilarious You can't file that under NO!!!!
  2. gafish

    moving my 55 gallon, about 30 miles away

    ok here you go... I just moved to Georgia from Arkansas.... Here is what I did nad EVERYTHING made it here, I drained my tank placing my tank water into a Igloo cooler, I went to a store a bought a battery powered air pump that is used by fisherman to keep minnow alive (cost me about 6.00). and...
  3. gafish

    freshwater puffer??

    Yes, They are actually a brakish fish, I had one in a brakish tank years ago. They are really alot of fun if you can get the tank right, We had a Ice Storm come one winter and I awas with out power for three weeks....bye bye fish lost the entire tank, but I had mine for about two years prior to...
  4. gafish

    My new fish!!!!

    Just a few pics of my new addition, I had to trade in my Clarki Clown due to being overly aggresive. :mad:
  5. gafish


    I changed it sorry didnt think about it....
  6. gafish


    What is the deal with people posting advertisments on the message boards?????? I Think these need to be removed and the poster banned IMO.
  7. gafish

    Must Sell Entire 120g System

    I'm in woodstock and am intrested in a few pounds of live rock I could pick up over the weekend. you can e-mail me at
  8. gafish

    Post pics of your other household animals! (no fish)

    These are my two other "children"..... :joy:
  9. gafish

    Is this where we are going?

    I thought I was low budget.....WOW I feel pretty good now thanks :hilarious
  10. gafish

    Pics of your dog, cat, bird, etc.

    Here are my "other" children......
  11. gafish

    I'm molting, I'm molting!!!

    My banded coral shrimp molts about once every couple of months.
  12. gafish


    ohh please post some pics of this!!!!
  13. gafish

    Oxgenating tablets?????

    The best thing I found when I moved from Arkansas, was I took a cooler and went to the local Really large Store and bought a battery powered airpump that is used for keeping minnows in a portable live well. I moved my entire tank fish, live rock and all from Arkansas to Georgia, it took 48hrs...
  14. gafish

    Can I add some more fish?

    Thanks, I will get on that, I need to add another Power Head, I have plenty of filters running just need more flow, thanks for the help, I also need somebody to tell me how to make my own live rock.
  15. gafish

    My Tank

    Originally Posted by inkman2004 You may want to look into making your own rock. Do a search under Oceana's threads. She put out some instructions a while back on making her rock out of concrete, and her tank looks great. At least I hope Oceana's a she or I really offended them. Anyway it...
  16. gafish

    What is your favorite animal?

    Was before I moved to Georgia, I gave it up so my wife could follow her career. Did it for 7yrs, really miss it.
  17. gafish


  18. gafish

    Can I add some more fish?

    How many powerheads should I have? I've pretty much done my tank on my own, by just asking other tank owners and reading, please help....
  19. gafish

    What is your favorite animal?

    This is my little buddy, I found her one night while I was on patrol, somebody had dumped her on the side of the road.
  20. gafish

    anyone have cars over 200,000$

    Nope, all my money is tied up in my tanks.....