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  1. lilstrup


    yea i would seperate them when they get bigger
  2. lilstrup


    wondering if i could put a 2 inch koran in my 125 with a 4 inch emperor angel a real lot of rock work
  3. lilstrup

    hey gas

    what do u think of a cali ray with those fish tang wrasse angel
  4. lilstrup


    never mind got it out
  5. lilstrup


    my eels r in a rock that i wanna take out and wrsse goes in it at night when i wanna take it out cuz eels are out of rock
  6. lilstrup

    Check out the sharks!!!

    the second pic is a mako shark
  7. lilstrup

    triggers in a tank

    yea i did but i didn't have a clown
  8. lilstrup

    hey gas

    could i keep a tusk with a shark
  9. lilstrup

    hey gas

    i am thinkin some of the less agressive kinds like a lunare wrasse a poder blue tang or a koran angel
  10. lilstrup

    hey gas

    hey i was thinkin of gettin a wrasse an angel or a tang at a small size do u think i could put 1 of those in with my shark
  11. lilstrup

    shark filtration

    how do u post a pic
  12. lilstrup

    shark filtration

    hey guys i have a 7 inch bamboo in my 180 gal with a few other fish do i have enough filtration i have a 300 gal wet/dry a 200 gal skimmer and a 250 gal uv staralizer
  13. lilstrup


    i am thinkin a chain link
  14. lilstrup


    are there any eels that i can't keep with 2 sfe 1 panther 1 wrasse and 1 angel in a 180
  15. lilstrup


    and my new bamboo
  16. lilstrup


    wondering if i could put some horseshoe crabs in with my panther my sfe and my angel sorry for all the posting
  17. lilstrup

    I did it

    gettin some lions
  18. lilstrup

    I did it

    i have to get rid of my triggers too
  19. lilstrup

    getting rid of triggers

    getting rid of triggers tomorrow putting 2 volitan lions in and 2 SFE in thursday and already have a panther all goin to be in a 180 will it work
  20. lilstrup


    i'll try to get him to come